High-Risk Pregnancy

Hi all I am new to this board and had a few questions...

My MW brought up a suggestion that we could see MFM(maternal fetal medicine) if we wanted to, she is not making us go, said it is up to us. Did anyone feel that this was helpful, what did they do different?

Re: Hi all I am new to this board and had a few questions...

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    I see a MFM because when I get pregnant it will be considered high risk (currently TTC). I'm seeing them because regular OB/GYNs and MWs won't see me due to my genetic disorder - they're very helpful because they have experience with people on the same medications/illnesses I have.

    I think it all depends on your situation - is there a reason why it was suggested? 

    Diagnoses: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, PCOS
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    I feel like the only reason you need to see an MFM is if they feel you have a reason to be considered high risk for something. IF you aren't aware of anything that makes you immediately high risk then I would stick with the midwife.
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