High-Risk Pregnancy

REMICADE and breast feeding (XP BF Board)

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in January 2011.  Didn't find relief until I had surgery March 2013 and started on Remicade every 8 weeks. 

During the first trimester i had flare-like symptoms so they switched me to every 6 weeks  - no issues since then.  I will stop infusions at 32 weeks and then wait until after giving birth for my next infusion.

I know that Remicade is safe to breastfeed (the reason my GI has me on this particular drug as he knew we wanted to start a family) - I am asking more about logistics.  I thought I could get my post-pregnancy infusion in the hospital right after I gave birth, but my GI wants me to wait a week due to the risk for infection.

My infusion center is 45 minutes away.  I am usually there 3 + hours.  And then 45 minutes home.  That's a long time to be away from the baby in the first week!

Maybe this is stupid, but would it be safe to pump AT THE SAME TIME I am getting the infusion?  Any insight is much appreciated!

Re: REMICADE and breast feeding (XP BF Board)

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    @SuburbsMrs‌ you had your baby!? I've been thinking of you. How are you feeling?

    OP i have crohns as well, diagnosed in 2009/2010. I had it very bad and went through all basic treatments very quickly. I landed on remicaid but after getting pregnant became severely allergic to it. I'm not on humira which is less time and doesn't leave me feeling achy and tired the rest of the day.

    anyway my infusion center for remicaid was my local hospital. When i left the center they asked me to bring in pictures of LO once I give birth but not to bring her in because they see a lot of very sick patients and theres a risk of infection. As for pumping at the infusion center, are you set up in a private room? Would you feel comfortable pumping during your infusion?
    IAmPregnant Ticker}
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    The room is semi-private.  Two female nurses and usually one other patient.  I registered for one of those nursing covers so I imagine as long as the other patient isnt uncomfortable then I would be able to pump.  Thanks everyone for your responses.
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