Pregnant after a Loss

Remember Bluesmoothie from PL?

The girl who stirred up all the trouble and was such a BIT**? Well I rarely see her post when I lurk on 2nd tri but she always comments on peoples name choices....telling them how stupid they are...whack or that their names sound white trash. She is so ridiculous!  She still gets under my skin just because she is so horrible!
image DD Kara Ashton 11/16/01 SD Karlee Nicole 11/04/00 DD Karsyn Joy 5/15/09 DS Connor Mack 2/25/11 DD Kaitlyn Mae 12/14/12 2 angels 6/2/08 and 6/9/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Re: Remember Bluesmoothie from PL?

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