1st Trimester

What are your pregnancy must haves?

Hi everyone! Hope it's ok to post this question here. My sister found out she's pregnant and I'm excited to welcome my first niece or nephew! I wanted to send her a little care package since she lives about 12 hours from all of us. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me? Things you love and would love to receive as a gift. She's 9 weeks and pretty sick so far :( I've heard of Preggie Pops. Do these actually work? And was also in search of a funny/cute pregnancy related book. Thanks in advance!

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Re: What are your pregnancy must haves?

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    I liked preggie pops, ginger hard candies, ginger ale, and seabands.

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    For morning sickness, many ladies find ginger or peppermint hard candies and tea help. A giftcard to her favorite restaurant, spa, or store will likely be appreciated even if she can't use it immediately. BeBands (stretchy tubes of fabric) provide light support and comfort while wearing non-maternity pants so they are nice to have. I liked using them during the 1st/2nd tri bloat before I needed maternity pants, as well as post partum.

    If your budget does allow for a Snoogle or another pregnancy/supportive body pillow, I agree with @kyliedaniellexx‌ that it could be one of the best gifts you can get her.
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    mle106mle106 member
    My best friend sent me a care package after my BFP: a reusable water bottle, crackers, jolly ranchers, mints, body wash, and some cocoa butter lotion. She wrote little notes on each thing. It was really sweet!

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    maybe a cute pregnancy book to go with?
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    Depending on your budget- I would get her a spa package. Maybe buy little things that have to do with a spa such as lotions, candles and possibly a robe. And then the last item in the box can be a gift certificate in a nice card.
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    These are all great! Mints, Peppermint tea or any decaf tea, a massage gift card, a cute note...as far as funny books, I devoured Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy and loved it. It's funny, helpful and brutally honest.
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    Preggie Pops, anything with ginger, the book "Belly Laughs", some sort of pillow mist (Bath and Body works sells great ones... I couldn't stand the smell of my husband my first tri, so it helped lol), a gift certificate for maternity clothes (a lot of women love Old Navy for maternity wear...)

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    Where can one find preggie pops?
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    janda426 said:

    Where can one find preggie pops?

    Motherhood maternity sells them. Or at least they used to. Walgreens did for a while.
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    Babies-r-us also has them.


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    Ginger hard candies have been a life saver for me, and if she has been sick, the book pregnancy sucks will make her laugh- it's about all the embarrassing things that we like to forget about happening during pregnancy!
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    Thanks so much for all the suggestions ladies! I ended up getting her some comfy maternity pj's, Mama Bee belly butter, some mint eos lip balm, a small pack of tums, preggie pop drops(had to order them on Amazon), and an "my auntie loves me" onesie for a girl and an "awesome like my uncle"  for a boy. Looks like I'm gonna have to order Belly Laughs too since I haven't been able to find it. Can't wait to send it to her! :)

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    As far as funny there is this book that I read in my doctor's office that had me hysterical laughing. I think it is called Safe Baby Handling tips... Very funny :) 
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