Pregnant after a Loss

Appt was Good

Baby is looking good.  They did an u/s but only brief.  They said the heart rate looked normal but we did not listen to it or get an exact reading.  Baby seemed to be sleeping at first but then they tried to get pictures, we couldn't get any good shots because s/he was moving around too much.

I also spoke with a genetic counselor about my NT results.  She made me feel much better about them.  (History: The u/s looked great but bloodwork came back with a 1:155 chance of Downs, still less than 1% but higher than the risk for my age which is 1:300).  She discussed the results and my options and I'm feeling confident that this baby does not have Downs but should it, we will accept it.  I don't think I'll be doing any further testing but it wasn't a decision we had to make today.

Overall, a good appt.  I go back on the 14th for a regular OB appt and then we have our big u/s on the 28th!


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RA with Sjogren's Syndrome. Risk of heart block in newborn. Age: DH and I are both 38.
BFP #1: 11/25/2007, EDD 7/28/2008 - Missed m/c (blighted ovum) 12/6/2007 6w3d, D&C 1/3/2008.
BFP #2: 4/2008 - Natural m/c at 6w.
Met with RE in 5/2008 full cycle analysis and SA normal. Not considered high risk for blood clots but prescribed 1 baby aspirin a day precautionary during TTC and Progesterone suppositories during 1st trimester of pregnancy.
BFP #3: 10/17/2008. EDD 6/23/2009,  Third time's the charm! Healthy baby boy born 6/27/2009 via emergency c-section.
BFP #4: 6/14/2011. Healthy baby boy born 2/16/2012 via elective c-section.
BFP #5: 1/15/2014. EDD 9/22/2014. 
2/17/14:.We have a BABY!!! Heart rate 167 and measuring on time. 3/10/14 u/s #2 baby measuring perfectly at 12 weeks at heart rate of 166. NT u/s was normal. Maternit21 blood draw on 3/5/14. Results back on 3/19 - Normal.  It's a BOY!!!  4/10/14 at 16 weeks, 3 days discovered baby's heart stopped at 15 weeks, 6 days. D&C 4/11/14.  Pathology results were all normal.  New information on 8/11/14 - blood test revealed 1/3 of babys blood was in mine caused, most likely, by a tear in the placenta from extreme coughing.  Doctor believes this to be the cause of death.  Repeat D&C and Hysteroscopy scheduled for 8/19/14.  My Chart

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