Cloth Diapering

dumb question

Ok, so I've been drying my workhorses on the dryer with my other prefolds. Should I be line drying to save the elastic? This thought just dawned on me.

Re: dumb question

    I dry mine in the dryer for 10 min. or so and finish on the line for that reason. I don't think dryer drying is the worse thing you could do, but if you're wanting to keep them in the best shape possible, it's probably a good idea to not fully dry them in the dryer every time.
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  • That's what I was thinking. More reason for DH to get on configuring a clothesline on the back deck ;)
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  • You could also do a lower heat setting and hang dry them to finish them off.

    The same goes for drying outside. If it's really sunny and hot, it has the same effect.
  • Good to know, I'll just throw them on the indoor drying rack. Anybody know about how long they take to dry?
    I have larges right now.  If I do 10 minutes in the dryer first, they usually take around 8 hours line drying in my basement with no fan or anything blowing on them. 
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  • Gotcha, thanks.
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