February 2014 Moms

Another baby growth update

Guise, LO is back on the curve!

After a concerning weight check a couple weeks ago (after my "my baby isn't getting enough from me"meltdown you all helped me through), we started combo feeding and adding some cereal made with formula. Now, LO actually surpassed the curve she fell off of and is back in the height/weight chart (she's a tall girl!). Doc is thrilled with her progress and she got great "marks" on other developmental milestones, too. So what we're doing is working.

I'm so relieved that things are moving in the right direction, and feeling confident (today, anyway) about the decision to add in formula. It's the fuel my baby needs to keep being awesome. ;-)

Thank you for the support, ladies. You're the best.
Suzy & Brian November 3, 2007 "...this one time, at band camp..." ;-)
TTC #1 since 9/2012
BFP #1 2/16/13, EDD 10/13/13, CP 2/21/13
BFP #2 6/2/13
Baby J-Bug 2/8/14 My Wedding Bio from back in the day

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