October 2013 Moms

hey guise.

MrsStuessyWIMrsStuessyWI member
edited June 2014 in October 2013 Moms
So, I was gone for a couple months. After my grandma died at the end of February I had a lot of family obligations for a couple months (on both sides of the family) and then I needed to figure out and get a grasp on real life. Also losing my grandma hit me hard . So, now that I have a bit of a handle on life I hope you will have me back. I have missed the community on here. I hope you are all doing well. I have been reading some threads today and feel there is so much to catch up on. Anyone care to share your big news with me? Any pregnant ladies? New jobs? Moving? 

My quick update:
Charlotte just turned 9 months old and is doing great. She is definitely getting close to walking. 2.5 teeth. Crawling all over. She has learned how to clap and it is the cutest thing that has ever happened. 
My husband finished up his first official semester of grad school. He is now working overtime, 2nd shift and it sucks balls. I am still home with the baby. Starting September I will be watching a 3 month old four days a week so I can continue to stay home for a little while longer. Yep, an 11 month old and 3 month old. Should be interesting. 

Some pics for your time. 

1. She loves bathtime. 2. Father's day 3. trying to eat my candles 4. A couple months ago, hoping for summer. 


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