April 2014 Moms

A minor DH irritation

DH took the day off to volunteer at DS's camp (yay!). But he waited until about 10 mins before they were supposed to leave to get ready. About 5 mins later, DH is calling from upstairs "where are my canvas khaki shorts?" I call up that I have no idea but will help DH look, in spite of the fact that I am currently taking care of both kids and finishing getting DS ready.

I go upstairs and look through the shelf pictured below which, as you can see, has roughly 30 pairs of shorts on it. Specific shorts in question - nowhere to be found. Dig through dirty laundry and there they are. So DH has to refresh them in the dryer because they are the only shorts that will do. I am half tempted to pack up the rest for GW today because WTF does he need all of these for if there is only one pair if shorts he can wear to a messy Boy Scout camp?

Then they ended up being late and of course it was because of these shorts, NOT because DH waited til the last minute to get ready. ;-)


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