July 2014 Moms


The 'first world problem' threads are on Wednesdays, right? If not, there's one today.
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    It was sunny and hot for a few hours yesterday, but we spent that time looking at houses. Other than that, the weather in Michigan has been rainy and cloudy. My FWP is that I want to go use my pool and possibly get a tan, but it needs to be nicer out. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I will go! Since most of my problems have been big recently...

    Amazon Prime gives me 2 day shipping. Yeah! Monday, I ordered my ergo and 2 other things, coming from 3 different shippers. So my diaper pail and ergo infant insert both got here yesterday - ONE day! But my actual ergo?? Yeah - they didn't even ship it until yesterday, so won't get here until Thursday. Argh!
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    DH and I recently spent a lot of time, money and effort landscaping our yard. Apparently this made our neighbor feel that his yard was inadequate. Because he had his yard landscaped this week. And used ALL the same plants/shrubs/trees that we used!! Get your own ideas sir! Do not copy cat my yard just bc it looks good!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    LhalliburtonLhalliburton member
    edited June 2014
    I have another. I cut up a pineapple (slicing two fingers in the process) because I'm trying every old wives tale to jump start labor. FWP: some pieces I cut too close to the core and they're not as soft and chewy.

    ETA: my mouth is numb from pineapple
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I've eaten too much chocolate this afternoon, and will probably not be hungry for dinner. (Meanwhile, there's kids starving around the globe.  I truly am sorry, kids.  I'd send you my dinner salad but it wouldn't do well with the postal service.)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I ran out of cheesecake!!!!
    http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Pregnancy">BabyFruit Tickerump.com/tickers/tt1900ca.aspx[/img][/url]
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    DS is napping and I really want to watch Bar Rescue (I recently became addicted) on the dvr, but DH will be pissy if I watch it without him.
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
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    We have a 2nd fridge in our garage that we keep soda/beer/misc drinks in. DH accidentally left it cracked open last night so now my ice cold Pepsi I couldn't stop thinking about the entire time I was running errands this afternoon is only slightly cold. I was too impatient to throw it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My awesome nursing cover that I bought STILL isn't here.
    It reached the next state over (In New England so not like it's far) on MONDAY so should definitely be here by now. 

    FWP - slow postal service

    And insurance paid out to fix my car after the OH trashed it avoiding a deer - the replaced side looks brand new but the other side looks like crap by comparison and I don't like it.
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    Ekg688Ekg688 member
    I still have gift cards to spend and I just wan to blow them on stuff for me (mmaternity/nursing stuff, expensive lotions, the baby Bjorn I'm in love with) but know I should save them for after LO comes. (We've held off on a lot of "wants" and some "needs". Also with the absolute needs we went high end (for longevity of product and safety reasons)
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    I ran out of cheesecake!!!!

    AHHHH my FWP...... Now I want cheese cake!
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    The only place I can get a Coke Icee is Target, which means I can't drive through. I have to get my huge pregnant self out of the car and walk inside.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My FWP... Babies R Us canceled the order for my rocking chair I ordered 4 weeks ago, now I have to go shopping this weekend to pick out a new one....
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    I guess this is a FWP... Why the eff won't this updated app let me post a picture!? I click attach and choose a file, then it sends me right back to the main board instead of the thread?! Anyone else having problems?? I couldn't do a HDBD pic earlier and now I want to show off baby's going home outfit and TB is all like uhhhh, nope!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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