December 2013 Moms

Swim lessons?

heathernikkiheathernikki member
edited June 2014 in December 2013 Moms
We live in Florida where there are pools and lakes everywhere. Wyatt is a bit too young now I think but at what point do you start swim lessons? More for safety reasons than I want a baby that can do the backstroke.

Re: Swim lessons?

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    I wish I could say I've already started my kids in lessons, but I haven't (my oldest is 4).  We're rejoining our gym in September and there's an indoor pool, so I'll probably start everyone in lessons then.  There are Mommy and Me classes for babies and toddlers that focus on infant self-rescue.  You can enroll at 6 months.
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    I haven't really looked into anything yet, I wasn't sure how soon you could start. He is 6 months on Friday so I will look into the survival class. Thanks!
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    We are debating ISR versus traditional swim classes. Have heard mixed reviews of ISR from families that have done it. Some people swear by it. Others say it was time consuming, expensive, and didn't work. The internet seems to think it might traumatize your kid for life.  

    We have a pool so we have to do something. I think we will do mommy and me classes first to get him comfortable in the water, then sign up for ISR when he is just a little bit older. I hope that it is worth $600 and 8 weeks of daily classes!
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    jy725jy725 member
    We just started a week ago. We are doing it for bonding/play time but the instructor is teaching lots of helpful tips on safety!
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    I feel like ISR is too harsh for me, there is an instructor in my parents neighborhood & you can always hear kids' cries from their backyard. It worried my parents, & they had even considered calling CPS before they found out what was going on. Once I heard about that I was like nope nope nope. I'd be afraid that baby would develop a dislike of water if that was part of her first experiences. I would look into classes that are more fun though.
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    We have a swimming pool so we felt it was important to start DS off early. We chose ISR and are just over a week in. It's really incredible. He floats on his back now. The instructor can turn him face down in the water and he can turn over and float. I feel it was the right choice for us.
    If you don't use it, you lose it so the instructor recommends maintenance lessons once or twice a month after he completes the program.
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    Even though we don't have a pool or live near water, DH really wants LO to be very comfortable and love being in water. We have been doing a Mommy/Daddy & Me class this month through our rec center. It is mainly to get LO comfortable in the water.

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    LO and DH are starting swim lessons this Sat. at a local YMCA. I really wanted LO to get used to the water since we live on the coast and swim a lot during the summer.

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    They start at 4mths here too. LOs been to try one class and loved it, but we're just trying to find somewhere that suits us better. They were charging $10 if you missed a lesson if LO was sick and that was with a drs note, without a note it was the full $22 and you sign up indefinitely
    I'd rather go somewhere a bit more flexible
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    KateVAKateVA member
    I don't see much point to the infant survival classes. Mommy and me ones could be fun but they are just an activity more than anything. My kids started regular swim lessons at 3 years old. At 3, they could get themselves to the edge of the pool but they weren't really swimming well. At 4, they were swimming great. I would also recommend lessons in a every day for two weeks block rather than once a week for a few months.
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    We are a water family. My parents have a couple boats, so our kids need to be used to water. Carter started swim lessons at one year. This will be Carter's first year not in mommy and me, and I'll do mommy and me with Reid.

    Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

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