Stay at Home Moms

Results are in....

I have mentally prepared myself for a bfn. We decided this would be the last cycle and if it didn't work we would be okay with ds being an only child.  Heck I was even getting excited about the idea....

We just got the phone call....

3 year and 3 IUI cycles, a complete loss of hope later, I am pregnant!!!!   Ahh!!! I don't even fully believe it. I am shaking!! 

My beta right now is only 91, which I guess is low.  So I go back in on Thursday to make sure it doubled. But with ds it was only 80 so I am not worried. (should I be?)

Ahh!!! I am so excited and terrified! They will be just under 4 years apart. Which I think will be a good age gap I hope.  Okay I am now rambling. 

I am seeing my mom this afternoon so I am trying to think of a cute way to tell her. Oh and I think I might get a pee stick while I am out so I can see it with my own two eyes. Ahhh!!!!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for us. :) 
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