October 2013 Moms

Brushing ???

edited June 2014 in October 2013 Moms
I'm at a complete loss. When do we start brushing their teeth?

Brushing ??? 188 votes

LO has teeth and I brush them
27% 52 votes
LO has teeth but I don't brush them yet
35% 66 votes
LO does not have teeth but I brush the gums
7% 14 votes
LO does not have teeth and I do nothing
29% 56 votes

Re: Brushing ???

  • edited June 2014
    He has two bottom teeth and two coming in on top. We don't brush but I noticed some banana stuck between his bottom teeth from last night so it made me think maybe I'm slacking and should start brushing (?) HALP
  • I brush my teeth while she's in the bathtub. When she became interested, I began brushing her gums. No baby teeth here yet.
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  • stupid question for those who brush...I'm assuming you are not using toothpaste?
  • Before he had teeth I would wipe his gums daily , now I brush his two bottom teeth every night.

    Dry or with toothpaste?
  • Lee81Lee81 member
    I brush with a wet toothbrush (no toothpaste) after her morning meal and her last evening meal. When I remember. For about .0002 seconds until she decides she'd rather do it herself.
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  • If they have teeth you should be brushing them. You can use a wet toothbrush or get some baby toothpaste.

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  • My pedi said to start brushing, it's also good to get the bacteria out as well on the gums. We use baby toothpaste without Flouride. And he loves brushing his teeth.
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  • no teeth, no brushing.

  • DS has 5 teeth, so I think I'm gonna pick up the banana toothbrush today...my grandma, who watches him during the day, wipes his gums/teeth though
  • We have two bottom teeth and we started brushing, but not consistently. We really need to get into the habit!
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  • I brush DS guns occasionally so he will beuse to it when his teeth come in.



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  • We dry brush his two bottom teeth and his gums until he steals the toothbrush and does it himself.


  • We use a little brush and 'toothpaste' we got at Target. DS thinks brushing is a game right now and he thoroughly enjoys it, he likes to see how hard he can bite down on my finger. We brush every night before bed. 
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  • We use a little brush and 'toothpaste' we got at Target. DS thinks brushing is a game right now and he thoroughly enjoys it, he likes to see how hard he can bite down on my finger. We brush every night before bed. 
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  • We user teeth wipes instead of a tooth brush. We wipe twice a day. I am thinking we will need to change to a toothbrush soon. DS has 8 teeth and it really hurts when he bites as we try to wipe his teeth.
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  • AjoydAjoyd member
    We brush with just a wet baby/toddler toothbrush. It is a combo of me gently brushing and him chewing on the toothbrush. I don't think even baby toothpaste would go over well at this point.

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  • No SS option? She has teeth and I don't brush them, but I give her a tooth brush to chew on.


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  • No teeth here yet, but I do clean her gums with a wet washcloth once a day at bath time.
  • Dentist said to practice brushing with DS but to deft not use toothpaste yet.

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  • At our 6 month appointment my pedi said the new recommendation was to brush their teeth every day with fluoride toothpaste. I was like.. Wait non-fluoride toothpaste, right? She said nope, fluoride! They changed it. I still haven't done that though! Freaky. We brush his teeth everyday with just water.

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  • DD has 8 teeth and 3 just finished erupting a couple weeks ago, I don't brush when they hurt her but now that everything is settling in I do
  • I said I brush them, but it's really mostly just him biting on the toothbrush.
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  • At our 6 month appointment my pedi said the new recommendation was to brush their teeth every day with fluoride toothpaste. I was like.. Wait non-fluoride toothpaste, right? She said nope, fluoride! They changed it. I still haven't done that though! Freaky. We brush his teeth everyday with just water.

    This. Our pediatrician said new recommendation is flourish toothpaste (just a dot) from the time they have their first tooth. Apparently teeth are super porous at the beginning and fluoride helps beef their strength up to be strong for the next years.
  • kicius56 said:

    Oh and according to the ADA you should floss your kids' teeth once they have two teeth that touch. =))

    Yeah freaking right. Not happening
  • Shit, 8 teeth? 5 teeth? And Jr is just over here with his one snaggle tooth lol

    Callie still all gums. She's just a day older than jr.
    CafeMom Tickers
  • StefMurph said:

    Shit, 8 teeth? 5 teeth? And Jr is just over here with his one snaggle tooth lol

    Callie still all gums. She's just a day older than jr.
    8 teeth is crazy! #teamnoteeth here. No teeth no brushing.
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  • edaireedaire member
    My aunt who is a dentist said to brush his teeth with no toothpaste twice a day. It gets them in "practice". She said you can also just wipe their teeth with a wash cloth of gauze.
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  • I questioned my dentist about baby oral care at my last cleaning. His instructions were to use a baby toothbrush or a finger toothbrush to clean her tongue and gums with every bath before she gets teeth. Then after her teeth come in, brush them twice a day. He said that it is more about establishing a routine of good oral care rather than managing decay at this point. 

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