Austin Babies

Robes and gowns for a Seton Medical maternity

Did the hosp provide gowns and robes for after birth? I know they provide a gown for birth.
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Re: Robes and gowns for a Seton Medical maternity

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    All the provide for after is a regular hospital gown. I higly suggest bringing a robe for both times (I used one to walk around during labor and after)
    I would also bring your own gown for after if possible. Something you can easily nurse in if you are going to nurse, but also that has easy access to your belly and down there since they will be checking all that.
    Being in something besides the hospital gown really helped me to start feeling human again

    Married to DH 10.29.11

    DD born 1.26.13
    DS born 6.12.14
    #3 due 12.6.16

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