June 2014 Moms

@meritmacalpine Kennedy Shey's Birth Story *Update*

meritsamommameritsamomma member
edited June 2014 in June 2014 Moms
On Thursday I went in for my 37 week appt with my midwife where they found my blood pressure was very high and I had put on 6lb (!) In one week. I was sent to the hospital for additional testing and monitoring. They told me to expect to be induced.
We were at hospital for over 5 hrs and all tests center back clean but I did get a headache and saw sparkles while there. They sent me home for the night and told me to go to the clinic for BP check on Friday and to begin a 24 hour urine collection.
My BP check was really high and the OB did cervical check. I was 4-5cm dilated and 75% effaced with bloody show. They told me to head back to hospital for delivery, that my body knew something was wrong and was readying for labor.
By the time we were all checked in and the nurse and midwife had gone over my birth plan, they began Pitocin drip at 6pm. The next few hours were pretty uneventful, unless you count the pigeons who were making baby birds outside of our window! I was having contractions but didn't start feeling them until about 8:30. At 8:45 I felt a big POP. Nothing happened for about 15 minutes and then my waters started flowing like crazy. They aren't kidding when they say you'll know when it goes! The nurse monitored me for about an hour as the contractions started getting really intense and really close together. She called in my midwife at 10:00 when I started feeling some pretty intense pressure. She checked me and found I was 5-6cm dilated and 100% effaced. I labored on toilet for a bit and was attempting to get on the birthing ball when the contractions reached a whole new level and we're coming right on top of each other. I started saying I couldn't do it... it was the single most painful experience of my life and I was about to forgo my unmedicated birth plan. The MW checked again at 10:55 and found I was 9cm. She told me it was go time and that the pushing would feel better. She told me to let her know when I felt like I had to poop and at 11:00 it was time.
I pushed for the next 45 minutes until I felt the unholy ring of fire. I reached down and felt my sweet girl's head and found the strength I needed for those last two pushes.
Kennedy Shey came into the world at 11:50pm on 6/6/14 weighing 7 lbs 6 ozs and measuring 19 inches long. She is the most perfect creature I have ever seen and I have never felt a more powerful and pure love in my life.
I ended up with a few small 1st degree tears (can't imagine what you mama's are dealing with with 2nd and 3rd degree, my heart goes out to you!)
ETA: (interrupted by vitals check)
I also burst some blood vessels in my eyes from pushing so I look all sorts of wonderful LOL the placenta delivery went very easily but the uterus contracting was another thing. The nurse and midwife were pushing down repeatedly which hurt a decent amount, especially because I wanted to be bonding with the beautiful baby on my chest! Unfortunately the uterus was not contracting and my MW had to reach her hand all the way to sweep out the blood clots. It took 8-10 sweeps. Honestly hurt more than labor!
Kennedy and I are just starting to figure out this whole breastfeeding thing.
And as a side note: baby sneezes are adorable! ♡

We thought we were going home today but unfortunately Kennedy's bilirubin test was high and she needs to be kept overnight. It's been a tough day having this sweet girl within arms reach but unable to hold her to comfort her between feedings.
We also just started finding our groove breastfeeding and now I'm having to supplement with formula. I know this is common but it's still heartbreaking when she's crying and I can't hold her and comfort her. Luckily the nursing staff here is going above and beyond for us and keeping us with her in the room even though I'm being discharged at 6 tonight.
All you mom's who are facing complications and even having to go home without your LO's have my utmost respect and prayers. You ladies are Amazons! We know how lucky we are that this is only a minor setback and are so grateful we will be able to take her home with us in the coming days.
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
MET: 12/31/06 ENGAGED: 5/23/11 MARRIED: 11/11/11 DD DOB: 6/6/14
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Re: @meritmacalpine Kennedy Shey's Birth Story *Update*

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