3rd Trimester

Going Out on Leave -- Stressed!

 My baby is due July 4th so I am going out sometime in the next 1-3 weeks. The stress of preparing to leave work for my maternity leave is truly overwhelming me. I am almost paralyzed with all that must be done both for work and for the baby. I am not really looking for advice as I know one way or the other, it will either get done or not, and there is no real option as this baby is coming sooner rather than later. Yes, I have 4 weeks but every week of my pregnancy has flown by and the workweeks have all become a blur at this point. Not to mention that I am just SO exhausted becuase I can't sleep at night despite doing all homeopathic remedies, meditation, etc. I guess just looking to vent a bit. And yes, I do realize how privileged I am that I am going to be able to take time off before and after baby comes. So really I shoudl just be able to focus on that and be happy but the actual getting to that points seems impossible both from what I have to do professionally and all of the baby planning as well (finishing nursery, getting all supplies, figuring out meals for after the birth, who's going to walk the dogs, setting expectations for my mom when she comes to visit, daycare, etc. etc. etc.). DEEP BREATHS. ;)
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Re: Going Out on Leave -- Stressed!

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    I understand. I'm about a month behind you, but I already feel the stress creeping in!
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    Breathe!  I do feel like the third trimester flies by and it can be stressful.  Best of luck!
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    apmomapmom member
    Relax! There isn't anything that absolutely has to get done. Delegate, and it will work itself out! So easy to get stressed but try to breathe and celebrate each day what you get done.
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    I am due a day after you! I had my Mom over today, helping me to get everything organized. We have a tiny house, and BG will have to share a room with her brother. We have SO much stuff that I'm just not sure what to do with it all, to make room for her. I'm not really stressed about when she comes, though. I think that the baby really only needs a place to sleep, some clothes, and diapers. All of which I have right now. As for the job things, I like PP's advice to do what you can, and not stress about it. You can only get so much done, and plan so much. Whatever's going to happen, will happen regardless, of if you're ready for it! Good luck to you. :o)
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    Take notes and tell us how you handled it! I'm due at the beginning of Aug and I'm sliding towards the same feelings about work and baby prep. My manager constantly is asking me if I'm going to make it to August. He seems to think I'll have the baby in the next week or two. It doesn't help with the work pressure. But on the flip side, he has been working with me to either finish my projects or document them to the point that someone else can pick up where I leave off.
    I hope you are able to get some peaceful relaxation in before LO comes!
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    I'm right there with you! I'm due For a RCS on July 8. This is my second, so preparing for the baby isn't as much of a worry for me, but I am a department of ONE with help from a few interns. The to-do list of 3 months worth of work that needs to get done or delegated in the next 4 weeks is SO overwhelming.

    Deep breaths! We'll get thru this!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
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    I totally understand how you feel, I am due on 7/5 and going out on leave at 38wks. I've been busting my ass at work to make sure everything is done in time and prepared for before I leave. It's stressful and I feel guilty for leaving. But I have to think about the health of myself and baby boy. That's the most important thing.

    Be kind to yourself. Don't over do it. Good luck! :)



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

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    Thanks, all! This is just what I needed -- just hearing from some other insightful ladies going through the same thing and reminding me that not everything will get done and that's OK. We do the best we can and ultimately have to realize that in this instance the most important thing is our own health and that of our little ones. So THANK YOU! I did have a conversation with my boss today where I once again shared that I am going to be unable to get everything done and we agreed that we would set up another meeting next week to talk about handing over my projects to him and others. That made me feel much better as my hope is I won't be working much past the beginning of the following week...

    Best of luck to all of us!!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I completely understand. My job is very intense/ high stress as well, and honestly, with the last kid, the most stressful part was planning for my workload while I was gone and who was going to do what.  It isn't the sort of thing you want to be thinking about right now, you just want to focus on baby stuff!  I'm not due until Sept and already we are discussing this at work and it has me all sorts of stressed out.
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    How do you eat an elephant?


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    Lynnja616 said:

    How do you eat an elephant?

    Slowly and with one of these: image

    Seriously though, OP, makes lists and except help. For work, making my "to do" list really helped me keep track of what I wanted to get done before I left, and once everything was crossed off I felt SO much better. Also my mom came over and helped me catch up on months worth of laundry that I was hiding in the basement (out of sight out of mind right?) and after that, I felt like I could finally move forward with the rest of my stuff in the house. Dividing the list into "must be done before baby" and "would like to have done" helps to.



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    I'll be going out on my leave at THE busiest time of year for my work.  It's been rough delegating who will do what from my normal workload while I'm out, taking the time to introduce them to what I do, as well as still handling all the normal stuff that goes on without me having to get ready to go on leave!  I still have several weeks (baby permitting) before I'm out on leave, but in that time several of the people I am training will take vacations at different times so--ack, yes, I understand your stress!

    I just try to tell myself that this, too, shall pass and that when I go into labor I seriously doubt I will be worried about anything at all regarding work! ;)

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