December 2013 Moms

Fitness Fridays

How was the week ladies?  Goals for the upcoming weekend/week?

Pretty good for me, maintained my weight despite going out for ice cream and eating several of the pumpkin whoopie pies I made for Logan's preschool teachers. More importantly, I'm finally getting some strength back! Deadlifts were my strongest life but the slowest to return post baby. I'm finally pulling decent loads again.  And I've been working on my running, doing some 5x400 intervals. Goals for the weekend include squeezing in some runs, not turning into an alcoholic over the holiday, and avoiding wheat - makes me so bloated I look pregnant all over again!

Re: Fitness Fridays

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    I had my last CrossFit class Monday so I have the sads :(( We just can't fit it in the budget right now. I've therefore rebelled against the (stupid) regular gym and only went yesterday. DH just informed me tonight, though, that if I get a new job in the same district as him (where 2 jobs I'm considered HQ just came up...!) that we could budget it in! So lots of T&Ps that I get a new job so I can go back to CrossFit!!!! Until then I will be doing the WODs from my box at LA Fitness, or their travel WODs if I don't have the right equiptment, and hope to keep up so WHEN I go back I'm on track :)
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    ameegeeameegee member
    I ran my first post baby 5k last weekend. Not too bad, I added a minute to my mile time. But I was also pushing a stroller. Yesterday we went for our first hike. It almost killed me. But I did it! LO loved being carried by daddy the whole time! :)

    I'm working on giving up my vices. I'm super addicted to sugar but I know the cold turkey route doesn't work for me. So giving up things slowly.

    @KateVA‌ dead lifts were the first thing to go for me during pregnancy. They became real uncomfortable real fast.
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    KateVAKateVA member
    I had my last CrossFit class Monday so I have the sads :(( We just can't fit it in the budget right now. I've therefore rebelled against the (stupid) regular gym and only went yesterday. DH just informed me tonight, though, that if I get a new job in the same district as him (where 2 jobs I'm considered HQ just came up...!) that we could budget it in! So lots of T&Ps that I get a new job so I can go back to CrossFit!!!! Until then I will be doing the WODs from my box at LA Fitness, or their travel WODs if I don't have the right equiptment, and hope to keep up so WHEN I go back I'm on track :)

    It is so expensive. The only way it works for us is I clean the gym in exchange for my membership
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    @KateVA‌ That's a great idea! I'm fortunate that the box I go to is the cheapest I have EVER seen a CrossFit ($75/month) and I love it more than others In tried that cost more. I hope I can get a new job or work a deal, nothing I do on my own can compare.
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    Been a total slacker again. My workout buddy couldn't go to the gym this week, so I didn't go either. :\"> I may or may not have gained a pound or two back. I will for sure be getting to the gym this weekend though!
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    Last week was definitely better than previous weeks. Got to the gym twice and then walked hills pushing the stroller twice.
    My eating has also been much better. I'm back to tracking everything I eat on my WW app. Lost 3 pounds last week which puts me 8 pounds away from my pre preg weight.


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    KFiori1KFiori1 member
    Didn't step on the scale this week, but I think I ate *slightly* better. I ran 35 miles this week so overall I am feeling good about the week.
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    KateVAKateVA member
    I cannot seem to motivated myself to hit the gym. I don't know what my issue is, I just need someone to kick me out of my house so I have to go.

    I am staying steady on the scale, but needing to start cleaning up my eating since I am pretty much done bf'ing. I can really get serious about this now, time to start dropping the rest of the weight I have been holding on to.

    Do any of you ladies have advice for clean eating on a budget? And some easy recipes?
    I don't think clean eating is particularly expensive - think of all those packaged foods you won't be buying. The key is to not waste food. We shop at costco which requires me to plan several meals with the vegetables we bought. That bag of broccoli is huge! We also buy our pastured meats in bulk from a local farmer and store it in our extra freezer. I purposely cook oversize amounts of food so I have leftovers for lunch or even for breakfast with a fried egg on top. On the weekends, I make up large batches of sweet potato latkes and homemade chicken sausage patties to eat all week. Instead of making 4 burgers, I make 8. Things like that help us out. And looking for what is on sale at the grocery store. 
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    I have been eating slightly better and been very good about the sweets. It helps not having them in the house because if it was there, I would have been awful this week! I took LO on a brisk 40 minute walk- my first exercise in awhile. It felt good, but I was completely exhausted the next day. Not sure if coincidence or not.
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