October 2014 Moms

Anyone eles easily exhausted?

Anyone eles struggling w that you can only do so much before you feel ur body just ab to give out on you bc of exhaustion? Simple things today as soccer games and target that I had to come home get in my pjs and lay on the sofa. No energy to even move my mouth to eat. Anyone eles ??? I want my energy back! LoL

Re: Anyone eles easily exhausted?

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    Yep. I am completely exhausted by bedtime every night. Can barely keep up with DS. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. ;)
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    Yes me, everything does this. I clean 30 mins and I could sleep 2 hours.
    I run to Walgreens and I could sleep..

    Everything just kills me and it is a full body exhaustion
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    Ok just making sure I'm not the only one that literally can't function after simple simple things . Lol and where's this energy burst that everyone speaks of u get in ur second trimester?? lol
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    I'm still waiting on that burst of energy. I shouldn't get tired from making something small to eat and then not want it cause I want to sleep suddenly.
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    I have gotten a few short ones but they are not all day and I over do it
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    I do get bursts of energy but tire out more easily than before. Staying hydrated helps.

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    I just posted something about this on the Facebook group....it's insane how quickly I become fully exhausted!!!! I so badly want to enjoy this beautiful day and my pregnancy for that matter, but this exhaustion is making it very difficult! :(

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    Nicb13 said:

    Emerald27 said:

    Yep. I am completely exhausted by bedtime every night. Can barely keep up with DS. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. ;)


    Ditto two times.
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    vrj0522vrj0522 member
    I did notice a big increase in energy after first tri, but clearly nothing like pre-pregnancy. The last few days I've been napping and going to bed at the same time as DS. It's all I can do to have the energy to keep up with him and the demands of the day. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
    BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

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    I'm usually done by bedtime. I went out today shopping for about 5 hours and I'm ready for a nap. Exhausted! 

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    All I want to do is sleep! Plus, rainy overcast days just pulls out every last ounce of motivation...
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    ANGnJONANGnJON member
    I'm tired all the time also. Even the most simple of task really wipe me out. I was looking forward to my energy level returning after the first tri but it just isn't there!
    Me: 37, DH: 42 Married March 22, 2003 TTC since early 2006, Fertility treatments since 02/2013 First Pregnancy with Twins EDD 10.24.2014
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    I just got back from 5 hours of errands and I feel like I just ran a marathon. I'm out of energy to do anything but sit on the couch for the next few hours.
    Me: 30 H: 30, Married Since 10/2010, TTC #1 in 12/2013, BFP 2/13/2014, Baby M 10/16/14
    It's a girl!
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    My second tri energy didn't come back until about 17 weeks, which thankfully was just in time for vacation! However I have to be really careful to rest frequently, stay hydrated, and eat regularly otherwise I will crash.
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    Do I have more energy than first trimester? Yes! Is it enough to function like a normal person? Hell no! I too, ran a couple errands yesterday and was completely spent after a couple hours. I just go with it and make time for naps :)


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    I'm totally with you.  I feel like I can't even wrangle DD at the playground for more than 15 minutes without needing a nap! 

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    I have more energy than first tri, but mostly bc I'm not vomiting constantly. Yesterday, I napped for a few hours, went to bed at 10 and woke up at 9. Sleep is my friend!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Still so tired. I feel so lazy, and I hate it. I try to go to the gym, but I can barely last 30 minutes on the elliptical. I go for walks with DS, and feel like I did after a run (when I started the couch25k).
    30 dx with PCOS 2010 treating with metformin
    DS1 12-29-11 DS2 11-4-14
    BFP 10/19/13 missed mc at 5 weeks d&c 11/18/13
    BFP 2/16/14 Please stick baby! !  EDD 10/31/14
    DX with septate uterus 3/1/14
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    Sometimes its the simple things like "running" upstairs because I forgot something that reminds me I just can't do it all anymore. I'll come back downstairs completely winded and tell DH I just need to sit down for a minute.

    I'm more motivated to do things... it just takes more time doing them.
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    LapoohLapooh member
    Me too. I thought second trimester was supposed to be the easy one. I actually had a pretty tame first trimester but now I am exhausted without doing a thing ! Spent my days off from work on the couch literally doing nothing . Also so nice outside right now which just makes it feel worse.
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    I totally agree with the being exhausted! I feel bad because when I come home from work (after running around after kids all day) I don't have the energy to keep up with my own kid, or spend time with DH, and then on the weekends when I want to get stuff done I end up taking naps when DD does and just want to go to bed after dinner!
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    Yes. All the time. I'm in bed by 8:30 every night and struggle to get up in the morning.
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    Maybe our third trimester will be better lol it maybe backwards for us! I am very thankful the morning sickness is gone I thought I was gonna die the first trimester! I have 3 other kids and never experienced what I did w this one!
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    There is something exhausting about baby girl growing her bones this week!

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    Yes, I am in the same boat too! I am still waiting for the second trimester energy boost! And I feel so bad because DH has been great about letting me rest during the weekend and taking our son Jeffrey to out to play, etc but I miss spending time with them!
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    edited May 2014
    I am exhausted just from trying to decipher what you said, OP! ;)

    But to answer your question, I get tired very quickly. Sometimes, Ill get a spurt of energy and because I feel so good, Ill actually over do and be completely wore out.
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    I have gotten some energy back. But I notice I am taking more naps in the afternoon and going to bed early. I think there have only been a few nights I have stayed up past 10pm. So sad. I-)
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