October 2014 Moms

AW Great AS/Targeted Scan

MrsL2BMrsL2B member
edited May 2014 in October 2014 Moms
Everything looked great at my scan today (18w5d). I was a little nervous since I haven't felt a thing from the boy, but it turns out I have an anterior placenta. I was beginning to suspect as much, but no one mentioned it at my prior ultrasounds, and I didn't think to ask. It was great that my husband could make this appointment and watch his kid kicking and waving his hands around. And it was also good for him to meet with the MFM and hear a summary of diabetes management in pregnancy from someone who really knows what he's talking about.

Now can anybody actually make out anything in this picture? It doesn't look a thing like a penis to me!
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Re: AW Great AS/Targeted Scan

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    edited May 2014
    Congrats on a great scan!

    Just so you know, your full name can be viewed on the pic.  You may want to take it down, crop it and repost!

    ETA: Also, I would trust your MFM re: sex.  I don't see three lines, and there is a nub; you aren't going to see something that we would easily identify as a penis this early! 
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    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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    lrobi13lrobi13 member
    Congrats on the great scan! I am sorry I can't make anything out. I barely understand my own and I was there while the tech explained to me she saw!
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    Emerald27Emerald27 member
    edited May 2014
    Congrats! I love when DH can come to my appts...I mess everything up trying to explain stuff after the fact, and end up just confusing DH. Much better when the doc explains. ;)

    I have no idea what I'm looking at in that u/s. Lol I mean, maybe those are legs, but I'm so so bad at deciphering those things!!!
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    yoyopezyoyopez member
    congratulations!  i think i see it...?  my tech put an arrow pointing to the penis on our ultrasound pic so you know where to look, ha ha.  unfortunately our pics are so dark compared to what was showing on the screen so it's still hard to make out.
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    BeanNutBeanNut member

    Peanut 1.23.11 ~ Bean 9.06.12 ~ Little Boy 9.24.14
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    MrsL2BMrsL2B member
    @VCGolfNYC‌ Thanks for the heads up. I must be tired or pregnant or something! ;)
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    vrj0522vrj0522 member
    Congrats on a great scan!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
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    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
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    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

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    Congrats on the great scan! Trying to figure out ultrasound pictures always makes me think of that Friends scene where Rachel can't see her baby. I swear that's always me.

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    Liss1481Liss1481 member
    edited May 2014
    Congrats on a great scan!

    I think the penis is right below "boy!" - the whiter part is the tip I think.  And I think that's a leg right above it
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    congrats on the healthy baby boy!
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    Ok so the 3 lines you see is most likely the femur that the ultrasound got a slice of.

    The white tip is indeed the penis head and if you look sideways attached to the tip is testes. This is from what I can tell but I wasn't there and this is just a small portion of what your tech saw.
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    archi35archi35 member
    Congrats - though I have zero idea what we are looking at in that photo - hahahaaa  :-bd

    Native NYC-ers living in Switzerland - First time parents - 36 + 37

    TTC: 8 Months / BFP: 2/8/2014 / EDD: 10/20/2014  

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    Congrats! Don't worry I still can't see the penis in my pics either!
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    Congrats on a great scan!

    Me- 36 DH- 40 ***TTC since 1/13

    BFP #1 - 4/3/13 *** EDD 12/13/13 ***M/C 4/12/13 @5wks 1 day

    BFP#2 - 1/29/14 ***EDD 10/11/14

    It's a GIRL!!!

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    ANGnJONANGnJON member
    So happy to hear about the great scan! I'm glad your DH was able to share in the moment with you!
    Me: 37, DH: 42 Married March 22, 2003 TTC since early 2006, Fertility treatments since 02/2013 First Pregnancy with Twins EDD 10.24.2014
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    Congrats! More and more boys on this board everyday. I'll take the MFM's word for it... no idea what's going on in that pic :)


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    Yay! Congratulations on your healthy baby boy and glad DH was there to see him with you. 

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    raynesraynes member
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