Toddlers: 24 Months+

Anyone work in pediatric dentistry?

So DD1 lost her front tooth from a fall at daycare. It took about 10 months for the tooth to finally come out (first turned grey, then loosened, then came out when she tried to break apart blocks with her front teeth). We decided last October to go forward and do a partial since she wouldn't be getting that front tooth for quite a long time. We've had to send the tooth back 3 times because it just didn't look right. We just had it put in again for the 3rd time and honestly it doesn't look any better than it did the last time. We paid $800 out of pocket for it. I don't want to put my daughter through having it taken out and done again (she's starting to hate the dentist already). I'm leaning toward having it taken out and getting my money back and moving on to another office. Whether we just leave it out or give another office the chance at making another partial.

I've attached a picture of DD1 this morning so you can see what it looks like. Would you accept this? Honestly I'm surprised the dentist office didn't say anything about how it looks. They seem to shrug it off as if my gripes they don't see.

Re: Anyone work in pediatric dentistry?

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    Did they show you any other before and after pics? What was the expectation? I have no idea how partials, let alone partials in children work but a quick internet search shows replacement teeth that blend quite a bit better than that. Even if they couldn't get the shape right, couldn't they get it longer to match her tooth? If you've already paid for this, I'd definitely keep at it until it's right or see about getting your money back/second opinion. That sucks, I'm sorry that happened and you're having a tough time getting it fixed, too. Poor kid.
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    I have four fake teeth in front from a bike accident and you would never be able to tell they aren't real. I got to pick the shape out of a catalog from the lab to match my real teeth. It sounds like the lab your dentist uses is not very good. I would go to a dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry and get a refund.
    Lilypie - (7gcp)

    Lilypie - (S3If)

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    Lurker butting in...

    I don't work in pediatric dentistry, but I'm a dental hygienist. I would not accept that. Since this was their third attempt, I would ask for a refund and go elsewhere. 

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    So sorry about this. It would be aggravating as an adult but seems worse to put your child through. I agree, get your money back and go elsewhere.
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    Thanks everyone. I called the office this morning and said we were unhappy with it and that we wanted it taken out and our money back.

    Now any additional advice on whether I should try another office and try another partial or should I just leave her toothless for the next 4 years. We're used to her without the tooth now but we'll put something in if it will mess with her adult teeth in the future.


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    Please don't leave her toothless. Missing baby teeth can affect speech and the way her permanent teeth come in.

    TTC since May 2013
    BFP #1 11/22/13 EDD 7/31/14
    MMC 13 weeks - discovered 2/13/14 at 16 weeks - Trisomy 13 - D&C 2/14/14
    BFP #2 10/9/14 EDD 6/22/15
    ~Everyone is welcome~
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    Sorry for the late reply.  I can't see the picture so I'm not sure what it looks like.  However, in general the quality of the partial will have more to do with the lab that makes it than the dentist.  If I were to make one I would send a picture of the patient's smile with shade matching with the lab Rx but that doesn't guarantee that the lab would do a good job of making the partial.

    If it were my child I would go without the partial altogether unless my child seemed to be bothered by the missing tooth.  All of the legitimate research I have seen on the subject agrees that early loss of an incisor does produce a transient lisp but that the speech matures when the permanent tooth erupts anyway (most kids at this age have a lisp or a hard time with certain phonetics anyway).  In addition, it is pretty well known in pediatrics that space loss in the front of the mouth from early loss of a tooth is pretty much nil.  We only worry about space maintenance when there is early loss of a molar.

    Here is a pretty good and thorough article about possible dental and speech effects of loss of an anterior tooth.

    Please feel free to page me again if you have any questions.  I am done taking boards now so I should be around a little more often.
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