

Any advice from MOMs who have been there? Our twins are 5.5 weeks old and never go for more than 3 hours start to start between feedings and usually it's more like 2-2.5 hours (sometimes 1.5) we do one up both up so With feeding, changing, and getting them back to sleep it means I don't sleep for more than 1-1.5 hours at a time.

Any advice on how to lengthen this? Both babies are growing really well. DS is about 9.5 lbs and DD is like 7. I'm EBF so I can't share feeding responsibilities but DH does often get up to chAnge babies and/or help get one back to sleep. We are both suffering with the lack of sleep and are open to any suggestions to stretch sleep to 3-5 hours. I know it's too early to sleep train so maybe there's nothing we can do I'm just feeling desperate today after another rough night in which I broke a toe when I stubbed it on my dresser while half awKe going to check on them! Thanks if you made it reading this far!

Re: Sleep

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    So sorry! We are EBF and 6.5 weeks. I was feeling that was a week ago. Then we had a few days of cluster feeding followed by three nights with a 4 hour stretch. In other words, I have no advice except hang are doing great!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    We EBF and are still up 5-7 times a night at 6 months. My singleton was like that until his first birthday. It's normal and in my experience not much you can really do.

    Together 6 wonderful years.
    TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
    TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
    ~DS1-Feb 2010~ 
    ~DS2&3- Nov 2013  {7 weeks early}~ TTC #4~
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    Lack of sleep sucks. It really does.

    Unfortunately, at their age, it's normal right now. With all my kids, I found 10-12lbs to be the magic sleep extender but it's far from consistent.

    I do think that around 6w is the most brutal bc all the post-birth adrenaline has worn off and your body hasn't yet adjusted to functioning on such broken sleep. Give it another week or two and you'll get there. They'll give you a glorious 2-3hr stretch and your body will adapt and you'll get through it.

    My only tip is to try to get to bed early - like 8pm - and sleep when they sleep until 8am the next day. Not really possible when you have an older one, so that's when I would make H get up so I could get a morning nap in after my big one woke at 6am.

    Hang in there. It does get better.

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    At 9 pounds and 9 weeks old we started sleep training our twins and cut out a night feeding. Took a while but they can both STTN now. We formula feed so that may make a difference.
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    ceechieceechie member
    All the coffee to you.
    It's so hard. But they are still pretty young to be sleeping longer. It'll get better at 3 months. Is their any way you can get a pumped bottle for dh to take one of the feedings? That's what saved me. Then I would at least get a 3-4 stretch. My girls were the same way, up every two hours. Dh also helps me by letting me lay down the minute he gets home from work. And that extra nap is amazing.
    Huge hugs.
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    My girls are almost 6 weeks. So about the same age. They are now sleeping 3.5-5 hour stretches. This just started and I am hopeful that it will continue. I pump and supplement. 70% breast milk and 30% formula. Around 9PM or so they get a bottle and then I swaddle them and make the room dark with a fan running. I also give them their paci. Doing all this has helped with the longer stretches. Good luck!

    Ella - 10/19/10
    Julia and Aubrey - 4/3/14

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    ntdanentdane member
    edited May 2014
    My twins are 12 weeks now, one is 8 1/2 lbs and the other 10 lbs. They started giving me 5 hour stretches at night around 8 weeks and have been doing 5-7+ hours consistently since then. I feel incredibly lucky because it took DS1 nearly a year to do that.

    Give it time and start to establish routines where you can. Do your best to help them get good naps during the day too. Those things can help set you up for better sleep habits. In the end it will be up to your kids as I am in the camp of some are good sleepers and some just aren't. What you're describing sounds pretty normal, as rough as it is. Hang in there and good luck!

    ETA: posted too soon.
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    ckred27ckred27 member
    Yeah, same as some of the PP, at that age 2-3 hours is totally normal. Once they hit 12 lbs then you should be able to attempt some longer stints by upping the feedings during the day and doing the whole daytime/night time sleep differentials so there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Mine are JUST starting to do 5 hr stretches and they are nearly 8 weeks old. My DS1&2 probably did 5-6 hours regularly once they were 3 months old and 6-8 hours maybe around 6 months

     POS+April 2009-M/c May 2009, POS+July 2009-M/c Aug 2009, POS+ Novemeber 2009 -Baby Boy Charlie DOB 07/06/2010, POS+July 2011-M/c and D&C Aug 2011, POS+Dec 2011 -Baby Boy Ethan DOB 07/27/2012, POS+Aug 2013-TWIN BOYS! Jack and Miles born March 23rd 2014!!



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    Thanks all. I of course want a magic solution to get them sleeping but it helps to hear that this is just going to be the norm for now and hopefully it will get better soon. It didn't help this morning to see someone with a singleton born on the same day as mine post that her son slept 7 hours last night. I know all kids are different, I just am exhausted today. This too shall pass...
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    I really think it's different with every baby.  DS1 is 5 1/2 and has NEVER slept through the night but the twins were sleeping 10-12 hours by 10 weeks.  I didn't do anything special either and I am an EP'er...just luck I guess.  I FF'd with DS1.  Now...ask me again in a few weeks when I'll probably be going through the dreaded 4 month sleep regression.
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    That is normal - I cried many nights from feeling like I would never sleep again - but eventually it will happen - you won't even realize it or know how you did it but you will get more sleep and it will feel amazing.   I also would nap as much as I could - away from the babies with white noise so I could get a solid stretch. 

     TTC #1 since 6/09
    Dx: PCOS and MFI
    3 IUIs, 4 IVFs = BFFN
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    14dp5dt=1170 16dp5dt=2573

    1st u/s=
    It's a Boy and a Girl!

    Born at 34w3d! 

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    Thanks all. It helps to know that everyone struggles through these weeks but that they do slowly get better. DH and I have been joking that even if it's worse with twins at least we only have to go through it once (we're done since it's twins)! Tonight has been better too with them sleeping at least two hour stretches and then going right back down. We will make it I know but it's painful in the meantime!
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