August 2013 Moms

You're Doing OK, Mom

Darn you Johnson & Johnson!  I saw a commercial last night - You Tube'd it today.  Last night's was a shorter version - but each time I watch it, I get more and more ugly tears.  Seriously?  Pulling at my heart strings!  

I just want to go steal DD from daycare and not let her go. 

Happy Mother's Day to the most fabulous Mommas I know!!!

Re: You're Doing OK, Mom

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    Happy Mothers Day to everyone!!!!
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    It gets me at the end every single time!!!

      Picture the Moment Photography: Liam &emdash; 938A7372-Edit       

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    Gahhhh!!!!! Crying at work is not good!

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    ludaliludali member
    And I just noticed the little baby's smile at the sweet.  OK, not going to rush along any wake-ups tonight - cause in no time, I won't be able to bounce around my sweet girl's room with her - don't want those cuddles to end.  :-/
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    Ha ha, I JUST saw this campaign this morning, as a banner ad on a news Web site. I've been having some emotional stuff go on lately about feeling like a bad mom, so even just the little banner ad struck a chord with me.

    Me-thinks someone at the Johnson & Johnson ad department is either a new mom or is married to one! :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Gives me chills. I love it. We are all fabulous moms.
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    Crying at the chiropractor office.. Nice..

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    RevezRevez member
    The Carter's one always leaves me sobbing. I'd go find it for you, but then I'd watch it and then I'd just sit here crying. It just isn't worth it.

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    There was a car commercial going around last summer and it showed new parents driving home for the first time with their in the backseat. I lost it every me chills just thinking about it.
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    I don't usually cry at stuff... But that was a good one! Happy Mother's Day!!
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    Here one for the local grocery chain down here....they play this all the time when we have the TV on at work and it makes me cry


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    ludaliludali member
    Bunnyfer said:
    Here one for the local grocery chain down here....they play this all the time when we have the TV on at work and it makes me cry

    Awww that one was great...wasn't sure where it was gonna go, and then a nice surprise.  :-)  Oh I hope DD feels the same about me someday!!

    Still need to YouTube the Carters one!~
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