September 2014 Moms

Worried about A/ idea why!!

Hi All! Happy Tuesday. I'm posting because, for some reason, I'm freaking out about my upcoming 20 week A/S this coming Monday. I've been so super excited to find out the gender, that it just hit me that we will also be finding out if everything is okay with our bean. Thus far, we've had good ultrasounds, measuring right, and strong HB at 150 and then 156. Is anyone else just as nervous as me, or am I overreacting? Monday seems like an eternity away. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Worried about A/ idea why!!

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    @ MrsG914 - good luck!!!!!

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    I believe I was anxious before all of mine as well. It's just the anticipation of seeing that everything is ok. Good luck to you!
    Our darling daughter and sweetheart guy.

    Melissa and Rob, 10/30/08

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    That's how I felt before mine, I was really really anxious/nervous. We were so fortunate that our sweet boy looked great and everything is on track. Hoping for a great A/S scan for you on Monday!

    TTC #1 Since October 2012
    DX PCOS May 2013
    Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
    Moved to RE October 2013
    Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
    Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
    Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
    Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
    Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
    1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
    2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
    3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
    Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

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    BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
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    I think that everyone is a little nervous about their a/s. I was slightly nervous but mostly excited to see squish again.


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    I was super anxious before mine especially right before, that I wasn't as careful going up the stairs and ended up falling up on the steps. I was totally embarrassed but laughed it off. Fortunately it turned out to be a great a/s. Just relax and enjoy it and if anything comes up, you can deal with it then.

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    its totally normal to worry! you want everything to measure and look perfectly how it's supposed to be and you want baby to be perfectly healthy! We all have those worries in the back of our head. That being said, try to relax and focus on getting to see a happy wiggly little baby! Sending you happy thoughts!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
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    I just had mine today and I had quite a bit of anxiety too... No particular reason why I guess it's just part of the process. Lucky for us we have a healthy baby boy and I am over the moon! Good luck to you hope it is great! :)
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    Hi ! Mine is at 9am!!! I'll let you know how I make out!! Good luck!! Fingers crossed for you!!
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    Thank you all so very much for the advice and well wishes :) good luck to all of you!!
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    JSS1002JSS1002 member
    I was nervous and excited at the same time both with my last pregnancy and this time.  I was reminded by my husband, in regards to the nerves, that there was nothing to worry about, and until somebody told me to worry,I should just relax because there was nothing I could do about it anyway.

    Sounds so easy when he says it.:-)  Good luck!  TO me, finding out the sex was just a fun bonus - my true concern was always the health of the baby, so I get it!
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    I think its totally normal.  I hope!   I was going to make a very similar post today.  My 20 week appointment is tomorrow and our A/S is on Saturday.  I have litereally been scared the whole week about both.  I have no idea why seeing I have to have ultrasounds once a month and all have been perfectly fine for the most part.

    I cant wait till Saturday till I can just have it and be done with it and happy and not as nervous again.  :-)
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

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    I just had mine this past Monday and as we were walking in I almost threw up!! So I would say it's totally normal!!
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