April 2014 Moms

Anyone else disappointed with DH? Long

I know we all handle change differently but is anyone else feeling disappointed in the way DH is adjusting to being a daddy?? It seems like he could care less about holding and spending time with me and the little one. He is a farmer and as soon as we got home it was like he is spending more time outside than he was before the baby. But let's back up. Even though he knew I have several 3rd degree tears we had to drive an hour out of the way from the hospital to pick up sheep that he sold, I was crying before we got out of town because I didn't want to ride in the car for 4 hours 2days pp but he just said "it'll be fine babe, you'll be okay, you weren't afraid of childbirth but you're afraid to ride in the truck?" Well There was a reason and a big prize at the end of childbirth this just seems pointless and cruel. then we got home, quickly got settled and he left to deliver them then stopped by a friends going away party and got home around 10... Not late not drunk but I feel like he totally missed our first night at home! Then he has been pissy and confrontational since we got home, I've tried to talk about it and he insists nothing's wrong he doesn't want to talk and I'm just nuts and because of the pp hormones I'm usually in tears at this point so i don't have much defense. He made one comment the day after our son was born about missing our daughter (passed away in 2012) more now than ever and I've been trying to be sympathetic and enorporate her into our family and discussions but I want to punch him in the face!!! I miss her too but I feel like he's so busy looking back that he's missing this AMAZING gift we have right here!!!! And maybe that's not what's up but I'm about to loose it on him. I know he is capable of being loving and sensitive and it makes me really upset that he seems to just be choosing not to be. I've told him, I need to still feel like your wife, kiss me, hold my hand, tell me u love me and it's like he just doesn't care. Last night he slept on the sofa because he is so tired he just needs to get some sleep... He hasn't changed a diaper since we got home and I'm EBF so how HE is so tired I haven't a clue. I know my pp hormones are driving this and probably blowing it out of proportion but I fucking despise the way he's acting and I want my husband back and for this super douche to go away!! Anyone else getting a less than desire able reaction from their partner?

Re: Anyone else disappointed with DH? Long

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    I feel like punching DH in the face on a daily (hourly) basis. He constantly complains he is tired even though I am also EBF and the baby and I are sleeping on a different floor from him. FU I haven't slept more than 3 hours straight in a month. He has changed maybe 5 diapers in the last month. I would like to add that I didn't want a second baby. I was ok with one but he was the one who convinced me we needed 2 kids. So I feel your pain. He is good with DS (4) but it's like this baby doesn't exist
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    My DH was the same way for about the first 2 weeks that we were home, but I lost it one day and completely broke down and told him I needed help and that I couldnt do it alone. Every since that day he's been very active with both of the kids and he will clean up the house and cook on the days I have to work, it's been really nice. But don't give up, the first few months is really hard for everyone
    I hope things get better
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    I agree with pp(s). He sounds like he is grieving and that he may be/ feel afraid to love and become attached to DS, for fear of feeling guilty or forgetting your DD. Pinot a great excuse, but a valid one none the less.
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    Mine is being a dick too these days. No help at all at night. Just now I was feeding DD and he's laying on the couch complaining about how hungry he is and could I make him lunch. Drives me crazy that he won't get off his ass to fix something to eat when I am clearly busy with the baby! Like come on!!! Microwave some damn leftovers and be done with it.
    I don't know what it is but he must just need time to adjust to our new life.
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    My dh was the same way when our first was born. He would hang out Outside and work on his motorcycle. He never asked if I needed help and was such a jerk and very insensitive. He mad me cry multiple times. It took him about a good year to get his act together
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    So much good advice here, and you sound like you're headed in a good direction, so I'll just say that I'll be praying for you all, for your grief, for your transition, and for your sense of unity. Not at all the same circumstances, but I know what it is to be processing grief while caring for a new life, and watching your husband do the same. It's a bizarre juxtaposition of emotions. I'm gal you have this board to vent to. Much love to you, mama!
    2014-08-24 15.36.57-2  2014-08-23 17.20.12
    2014-08-24 15.22.00  2014-08-20 12.19.26
    Fell in Love: January 2003 
    Married: May 2006
    Baby Girl Born: April 2014
    If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: 
    I am here to live out loud!
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    I bet you he is just really stressed, especially if you've lost a baby before. Not saying its right, but I try and back off a little when I notice my DH is having a stressed out day. Alot is on daddy's shoulders to keep us afloat. Hope things get better love.
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    LaNorteLaNorte member
    Do you have someone that can come help you out, a friend or family member? You can't single handedly take care of your newborn, your marriage, and yourself!
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    I agree with what everyone has said. I also want to suggest (if you haven't done this already) giving him clear instructions on specific things you want him to do to help you and do not ho along with something that is going to cause you physical or emotional distress.

    I mean, I think the least you can expect is for him to fake it until he is able to actually engage. And along those lines, tyou might get more action out of him if you are telling him - I need you to change LOs diaper right now- vs I need you to help me more or even I need you to help with diapers more often. 

    I'm so sorry for what you've been through and what you're going through now. 

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    Same here (as a couple of other moms posted) I had a miscarriage right before I had gotten unexpectedly pregnant with Blakley and it's like my husband is completely unattached to her at all, he honestly acts like he could take or leave her. He's made multiple comments "why does she cry all the time!?" And most days I could easily walk away, if it wasn't for my 5 year old I prob already would have. I just can't comprehend why he's so useless? No help what so ever.. And the thing that gets me the most is telling me how tired he is....... Takes everything I have not to knock him out. Praying yours and my situations get better ASAP I know how frustrating this can be. :(
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    I was so sorry to hear about your situation with DH and the loss of your daughter. No mother should have to endure that type of pain. I hope you can both work through this, and that he becomes more active in your LO's life!

    On a different level completely (but also commiserating as a wife), I had to have a chat with my DH yesterday about how hard it is for him to golf on the weekends when I'd really love his help around the house or just spending time with the baby. Even during the week, when he gets home from work, he asks about what errands he can do since he wants to "get out of the house for a bit." You JUST came home!? I've been taking the brunt of night feedings/diaper changes since he has a lot on his plate with work and finishing his degree. It takes a lot of patience for me to hear him say how tired he is, even though I know it's warranted.

    Before LO arrived, I explained to DH that he could/should still enjoy his outdoor hobbies as long as it doesn't make him absent as a parent/spouse. Suffice it to say, DH hasn't quite grasped the amount of chore help I need, and that "now," really means "now/today," when I need help (the dishes have been in the sink for a week). Even though this is a petty topic, I had to carefully express my frustrations since he can take my comments as criticism. I think it was clear to him that "we're a team," but I need him to step up in other ways if he still plans on keeping up his golf hobby. He said he plans to quit by next season [-O<

    Again, a silly example, but talking about it can still be uncomfortable. I'll be thinking of you!
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