May 2014 Moms

Owen is here!

I've been on bed rest since 30 weeks and Procardia for PTL. Well I was checked on April 17 and dilated to a 1. I stopped the Procardia that day also at 35.5 weeks.

Last Friday at 36.5 weeks I called the doctor after having a bunch of period cramps and lower back pain. I decided not to go to L&D since I've always had the contractions. Saturday I went with my hubby and 2.5 year old to an event because I wanted to get out and was on my feet all day. I felt terrible that evening and got some rest.

Sunday 36w6d I went with DH to the grocery store and went to the bathroom. When I came out I felt like my water was leaking and soaked my underwear and shorts. We left and went home to pack some things and was at L&D at 8:30pm.

They tested and said it wasn't my water and I was dilated to a 1 still but contracting every 2-3 min lasting 45-60 sec each. I was told I could walk around for an hour and get rechecked so we did. I also had a fever so they monitored it for a while. They sent me home with a Vicodin after no cervical change. I felt terrible on Mon but waited for my doctors appt Tuesday morning.

Monday night I lost my mucous plug. Tuesday morning at the doc he was concerned since I had a fever and did an ultrasound to check fluid. It showed a good amount but he swabbed and did a test under the microscope to check for ferning.

He called us back an hour later and told us to head to L&D that it was my water and was concerned about risk of infection since I had the fever. I checked in at 3:30 after running home for a complete home cleaning! We had to start pitocin so he could be delivered. At 4:50 we started it and I labored for a while before getting an epidural at 3-4. I wAs checked and was a 4 then an hour later felt pressure and asked them to check, I was an 8!

We waited about 30 min later and got setup to push. I pushed for 45-60 min and he was born at 1:46am. I had a 4th degree episiotomy with DS1 and this time I tore but only 2nd degree. LO was face up so he had some help rotating when coming out but did great! Nursing this time is going so much better and couldn't be happier! Here's little Owen.

6lbs 8oz 18 long at 37 weeks 1 day.
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

#2-BO 6/6/13 D/C     #3 natural m/c 8/6/13 

#4 EDD 5/19/14 It's a boy! 

Re: Owen is here!

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