Toddlers: 24 Months+

Doesnt like her diaper changed

Ok DD is 2 years old- she used to  love having naked dance parties- not wearing her diaper and the excitement of going pee pee on the potty-
one day we were doing just that and she pee'd alittle on the floor- no big deal- i told her i would clean it up and we went to the potty- and then it happened 2 more times that morning-which i said its ok- we're learning- no big deal
after that day- she freaks out now EVERY TIME i need to change her diaper- she screams "no pee pee" or "no pee pee on the floor" i say its no big deal- you can pee on the floor, mommy will clean it up- we're learning
but its not helping- its a fight EVERY TIME now to change her diaper
anyone else experience this? what should I tell her? should i go with her paranoia or force her not to wear a diaper one day when its warm out to show her its fine- like its so bad that she wont let me take her diaper off to get in the bath- i have to put her IN the bath and then take it off- this is crazy....

Re: Doesnt like her diaper changed

  • i think you need to decide if you are potty training and wear underwear or wear a diaper. 2 is a bit young to potty train I think and if she is peeing on the floor every day she may not be ready. what do you think? if she is ready stop telling her its ok to pee on the floor. tell her big girls pee in the potty. maybe you are confusing her?
     we're not potty training yet= i just have the potty's to gradually introduce potty training and the books about it-
    she just likes to dance naked- which is fine to have naked time- but since she pee'd on the floor she does not like to dance naked or ever be without her diaper- i dont think she liked the way it felt on her legs- the pee running down- so maybe in the long run this will help with potty training if she doesnt like to be wet
  • Nicb13 said:
    So she goes on the potty sometimes and wears a diaper other times? Well in reference to this post and your other post about tantrums, YOU have to take control and be the boss. DS doesn't like his diaper changed either but that's too bad, it has to be done. I wouldn't allow him to get in the bath with the diaper on, then take it off later because that's what HE wants. Doesn't work that way. I pick him up and get the diaper changed, sometimes he's screaming, sometimes he calms down. I tell him what's going to happen and that he needs to listen. It's all a power struggle at this age.
    she always wears a diaper- except when we have naked dance parties- but yes it has come to me just changing her diaper no matter if shes screaming or not- and YES everything is a power struggle
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