August 2013 Moms

Teaching baby "NO"

After reading the Barricade post it got me wondering how everyone is going about teaching baby "no". DS is pretty obsessed with the cords of the lamp lately. Everytime he goes to mess with them I tell him no and then pick him up and move him away (he usually just crawls back over there and we continue the cycle for a while). BTDT moms how did you teach LO "no"??

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Re: Teaching baby "NO"

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    I'm trying to avoid using it as much as possible.  Watching my sister raise her kids, she was constantly shouting "No!" into thin air as the kids got older. I try and use it only when it's an emergency and he needs to stop immediately (like you said, grabbing cords). I'll probably eat my words later, but for now the redirecting has been pretty good. 

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    I say "no" when he's reaching for something dangerous like cords or the cats' tails and when he's trying to roll over on the changing table.  Firm "no", then pick him up and move him away/flip him back over, and hand him something or show him something to redirect his attention.  I'm not sure at what point he'll have the capacity to understand "no", but I want him to associate it with things he must stop doing immediately, like PPs said.
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    He knows no already, but that doesn't mean he complies. If it's a non serious offense he gets a "no no" bit if it's something like cords (or pulling my hair as of late), he gets a far more stern NO! I think at this stage it's just consistency. I try not to overuse it but at the same time, it's something that he's going to have to learn.

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    We have the same problem in the barh. He gets 3 times to stand up and then he comes out. He'll start to stand up, we say no no, he just looks at us and grins and sits and then repeat.

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    lkobriant said:
    We have the same problem in the barh. He gets 3 times to stand up and then he comes out. He'll start to stand up, we say no no, he just looks at us and grins and sits and then repeat.
    This has been our battle too! Drives me crazy! I say "Sit down, please" and sit him down. If he does it three times, like you said, he's out. Bath time is over, Buddy! 

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    Just redirection at this point. There isn't really much more to do.

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    With my toddler I have better luck with saying the action I WANT, not just "no".

    So I say "stop...(insert "your feet/hands" or "please put that down"). It seems silly to say it to a baby but it's always worked well for us. Plus they understand more than we give them credit for!
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

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    This obviously works much better later, but offering choice is also effective. So when my big one asks for juice, I respond by asking him if wants milk or water. I'm saying no to juice but offering two alternatives I'm okay with.

    So I can distract the babies by putting two different toys in front of them instead of playing w the stupid cat door for the hundredth time.

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    I just very loudly make an eh eh noise and it usually startles him and he will stop what it is he is doing. Generally I don't have to go redirect after I have done this. 

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    I just very loudly make an eh eh noise and it usually startles him and he will stop what it is he is doing. Generally I don't have to go redirect after I have done this. 

    This works for us as well.... I occasionally do use "no" which also seems to get her attention.

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    I find myself using my teacher voice and saying "No, thank you." And give him something he CAN play with or touch, or I move him in another direction on the floor. That tone of voice may change with increased irritation/frustration though. ;)
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    RevezRevez member
    The first few times I said no I got a big pouty lip and sad eyes. Now she just stops and looks at me and I'll redirect her attention to something else.

    She's an awesome baby though, usually if I say "kisses" and make kissy lips she'll stop whatever she's doing and come barreling towards me.

    I also have the mom noise which I usually reserve for putting gross things in her mouth...

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    I just say "no," and move her away from whatever she is doing. Worked fine with my other two.



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