My baby started having the famous "witching hour" like 5 days ago it's been a nightmare . I have tried colic drops, swaddle,shhh sounds, sous machine lay in her in different positions and places bathing her etc nothing works. I know it's part of the process but she not just cries for hours, she screams like seine was hurting her and it breaks my heart because I can't fix her so I end up crying w her. How do you deal w this every night? I am starting to get anxiety before it starts at 8 pm because I know what's coming...
Re: How to cope w colic
What worked for us was just time and letting her sleep more during the day. If she was overtired things were just worse. Otherwise, she seems to have grown out of the "witching hour(s)"
Engaged 12-12-10 Married 5-12-12 Baby Jaxon 3-23-14
Call Me Mrs.Foster Blog
Married : ** 09/09/2011 ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 **
** BFP 2 : 01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **