March 2014 Moms

How to cope w colic

My baby started having the famous "witching hour" like 5 days ago it's been a nightmare . I have tried colic drops, swaddle,shhh sounds, sous machine lay in her in different positions and places bathing her etc nothing works. I know it's part of the process but she not just cries for hours, she screams like seine was hurting her and it breaks my heart because I can't fix her so I end up crying w her. How do you deal w this every night? I am starting to get anxiety before it starts at 8 pm because I know what's coming...

Re: How to cope w colic

  • I have no advice, nothing works to soothe my LO, either. My H and I take turns walking her around the house so I'm not stuck with her screaming at me for hours. That helps keep me sane. And remember, most babies grow out of it by 12ish weeks.
  • I'm right there with you. You get to dread the evenings. Sometimes the only thing I can do is cry with her:( It's so hard bc they look at you in pain like saying, "mom help me." Swaddling, swing, pacifier, bath...nothing works. If it gets to the point that you know she is hurting those 3 or so hours of straight crying, my doctor said last resort is a prescription drop called Hyosine.
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  • Know youre not alone, that helped me. Ask for help when you need a break and like others said, put them down and let them cry if no one is there and you need a 5 min mental break, they will be okay!
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  • My dr said to let her cry in her room!! That's crazy to me. So I spent last night holding her kind of anticipating what will make her "better" even tho nothing really works for a long time it works for 5 minutes tops and then have to come up w something better. It just breaks my heart that she cries and cries and I feel so bad because I cannot help her . My DH gets so stressed too he doesn't know what to do, he holds her but she scares him w the yelling so I end up with her cuddling rocking walking crying.
  • Mine did this for weeks and it was torture! I asked DH to stay up a bit later at night so that I wasn't alone for hours and hours with a screaming baby. Nothing helped and eventually she'd get so exhausted from crying that she'd finally fall asleep.

    What worked for us was just time and letting her sleep more during the day. If she was overtired things were just worse. Otherwise, she seems to have grown out of the "witching hour(s)"

    GREEN to PINK on 3.14.14 
  • I tried something this mornin that worked. She usually has cries of three straight hours in evenings but will sometimes gave fits during day. I plugged the vacuum in and she just stopped!:) which is crazy since she hates noise machines...even white noise setting on it. I was amazed! There's hope!!:)
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  • Does this witching hour only happen at night time? I swear its happening right now. Around noon or 1 everyday he is screaming bloody murder and nothing will console him! I just had to put him down in his crib and close the door and walk away. I couldn't handle it anymore. I want to run away right now

    Engaged 12-12-10 Married 5-12-12 Baby Jaxon 3-23-14 

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  • @invane00 no, it happens at different. Times, according to pedi the kid is so tired that can't fall asleep. Walking away is the best thing to do when everything else fails. I am at the store buying essential oils... I will give that a try today
  • You can try this stuff called colic calm . It's all natural and you just give it to them when they are at their fussiest , it seemed to help LO . I got it at cvs , it's fairly expensive but worth it . Just know you are not alone !!! I don't want to jinx myself but she seems to have MAYBE outgrown hers a bit . There was 4 weeks straight I thought I was going to go crazy from 7-11 she just was not happy !!!! Some nights she gets fussy for a few mins but nothing like those first few weeks .


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  • Thank you I will try that. I never knew how stressful that could be . I hate seeing her in pain . Also it happens maybe 30-40 minutes after husband gets home so that was our family time ( finishing cooking dinner , eating together and watching some tv) I thought she would just jump into out routine and be a happy couch family... Boy was I wrong! I haven't had a decent dinner in a few weeks. I know it will pass I just wish she didn't scream so horrible! I'll keep trying everything till it gets better she will be 5 weeks Friday
  • Mafernj said:

    Thank you I will try that. I never knew how stressful that could be . I hate seeing her in pain . Also it happens maybe 30-40 minutes after husband gets home so that was our family time ( finishing cooking dinner , eating together and watching some tv) I thought she would just jump into out routine and be a happy couch family... Boy was I wrong! I haven't had a decent dinner in a few weeks. I know it will pass I just wish she didn't scream so horrible! I'll keep trying everything till it gets better she will be 5 weeks Friday

    B started doing this at 6 weeks old. She's now 9 weeks and slowly coming out of it. We eat dinner in shifts and just take turns trying to soothe her. It sucks but my pedi said most of this goes away by 12 weeks, so we're just trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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  • That's what he said too. My mom said I was like this till exactly 3 months..... Omg my poor mother lol I know it will pass but when I'm in the middle of it it just feels like it will never get better . Hopefully you are almost done w this stage and the next one is not worse. I never know what to expect I am a ftm
  • flclflcl member
    I second @sassyflats advice about trying to get LO to nap more during the day.  I've noticed if 
    I can get DS to sleep within 2 hours of him waking up in the morning, I have better luck in getting him to nap the rest of the day.  If I can't, he screams and cries a LOT.  I've also noticed LO calms faster when I wear him.  Sometimes I'll blow dry my hair (on the lowest setting), walk outside or just around the house.  And then sometimes, nothing works and I have to put him down so I can catch my breath.  Hang in there and GL!
  • No witching hour for me--it lasts all day. Nothing really works to soothe my LO either, at least nothing that lasts long. It's miserable. This morning was especially bad. I had to walk away. I left her crying and sat in the garage for a few minutes so I couldn't hear her and I could calm myself. I just keep reminding myself that it won't go on forever. At least I hope it won't... My best advice is to leave the room when it gets too much--it's the best thing for you and your baby.
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  • KariB509 said:

    No witching hour for me--it lasts all day. Nothing really works to soothe my LO either, at least nothing that lasts long. It's miserable. This morning was especially bad. I had to walk away. I left her crying and sat in the garage for a few minutes so I couldn't hear her and I could calm myself. I just keep reminding myself that it won't go on forever. At least I hope it won't... My best advice is to leave the room when it gets too much--it's the best thing for you and your baby.

    I'm so sorry. My second was like this until 12 weeks or so.
  • With u all tooo! LO has reflux & a bit colicky.... She was unsettled screaming on & off yesterday from 230 in afternoon til 830 in eve. DH was at work & I swear I felt like jabbing myself in the eye with a sharp pencil at times lol!!! I'm just living on "everyday I get closer to this ending" (hopefully!!)
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