Babies on the Brain

my ovaries are aching for another baby

dh has decided he only wants two kids.  we had planned on having a larger family, but things outside of our control have happened since we have gotten married.  we're still young and we have five years or so to change our minds about having more kids, but i am really feeling the baby fever right now.  

dd's first birthday is coming up and anything newborn related is making me all weepy.  (not the best thing since i am going through her "baby" clothes for our upcoming yard sale.)

Re: my ovaries are aching for another baby

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    I totally understand how you feel. Initially DH and I wanted 4 kids. After DD, who proved and is still proving to be a major handful, we decided 2 was ok. There was an adult for each of them and it just evened out. Well here recently, and after we moved into our new house, I began wanting a 3rd. I keep going back and forth on the issue and we have pretty much came to the point of letting what happens happen. I think the only thing that is holding me back is a fear of a third C-section and maybe giving up sleep again :)

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