Pregnant after IF

Things aren't looking super great

U/S showed 1 embryo with an hr of 108 and the other embryo with a hr of about 60. My RE is starting me on lovenox and baby aspirin in hopes that we can "salvage the embryo" with the hr of 108. I have another u/s on Saturday.


Me: 38
DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

DH: 34
MFI due to Testicular Cancer

Married March 2012 <3
10 little polar bears
FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
Beta 1= 276
Beta 2= 662
4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
5/3/14 ~ D&C
FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

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January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
Animals Interacting with Snow



Re: Things aren't looking super great

  • So sorry to hear this, I'm sure it was very hard to hear that news today.  I am hoping for the best for you and that things improve. 
    TTC since September 2011, w/ RE since March 13

    Me: 32: PCOS, Low AMH .59
    DH: 36, Non-Obstructctive Azoospermia (unexplained)
    - SA May,13 &  June 13 no sperm, Urologist appt. July 13, Clomid Prescribed
    - October 13, PESA sperm extraction surgery, found sperm (very small amount) froze vial for backup
    - March 14, PESA + TESA, no sperm, used backup

    IVF w/ ICIS #1: March 14:
    - ER 2/28: 10 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 4 fertilized with frozen backup vial, no sperm left to freeze 
    - ET 3/3: 2 transferred, 2 frozen on 3/5
    - BFN 3/14

    FET #1: 4/2
    -BFP on 4/11, 1at beta 147, 2nd beta 565, EDD 12/20/14
  • Big hugs, I am pulling for all of you and pray that they catch up ASAP.

    ************ Signature/Ticker Warning ************
    Me (32) DH (36) - Finding our way to baby #1
    Me: POF/DOR - AMH <0.16, heterozygous c677t MTHFR, insulin resistant and gluten intolerant
    DH: Severe MFI

    12/2/11 - IUI #1- BFN 
    8/1/12 - IVF #1 - Zero response from max stims (600iu intramuscularly)

    My ovaries are just for decoration

    12/6/12 - Adopted five embryos that had been frozen for over ten years!
    2/11/13 - DEmbryo FET #1 Thawed four, sadly two didn't survive. Transferred two beautiful blasts. 
    2/16/13 - First BFP of my life @ 6dp5dt! EDD 10/30/13
    3/27/13 - After beta and u/s hell, no heartbeat ever detected. D&C at 9w1d.

    6/5/13 - Adopted four new embryos that had been frozen for seven years!
    9/12/13 - DEmbryo FET #2. Thawed and transferred two beautiful blasts
    9/17/13 - BFP @ 5dp6dt! EDD 05/31/14
    9/29/13 - m/c @ 5w1d. :(

    11/19/13 - DEmbryo FET #3. Thawed and transferred one blast from each batch. Wow!
    11/23/13 - BFP @ 4dp6dt! EDD 8/7/13
    Beta #1 @ 13dp6dt - 522  Beta #2 @ 16dp6dt - 1373 
    6w5d ultrasound showed one perfect baby with a beautiful heartbeat of 134bpm!

    Snowflake baby is a girl! 
    Our beautiful Snowflake girl arrived on July 22, 2014!   
    My embryo adoption blog: Wishing on a Snowflake
        image      image 
  • Loading the player...
  • I've been thinking about you all day.  I hope the Lovenox helps.  Praying for you. 
    TTC 2007
    Me-OK DH- MFI
    2010 IUI 1-3 Femara + Ovidrill BFN
    Change DR 5/12 IUI 4-5 Natural Cycle BFN
    5/13 DH diagnosed with b1/b3 microdeletion of Y chromosome
    IVF #1 July  Started Lupron 7/5 AF 7/14
    ER 8/1 7R 5M 3F W/ICSI ET 8/6 Moved to 8/7 due to no blast 
    Transferred our UNO embryo Beta #1 27 Beta #2 33 Beta #3 29 CP :(
    IVF #2 Started Lupron 2/14 
    Protocol 10U Lupron, 150 Bravelle, 150 Menopur, HGH for 4 days, Dexamethesone, 
    Supplements 6000mg CoQ10, 100mg DHEA, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, 
    ER 3/12 8R 4 able to be injected 2f with ICSI ET 3/15 2 "perfect" textbook Embryos
    2 crinone, estrace, dexamethesone, doxycycline
    BETA #1 3/26 201  BETA #2 3/28 524  BETA #3 4/5 9,876  Ultrasound April 7 Showed TWINs
    April 18 ultrasound Baby A HB 147   Baby B HB 146  Both measuring 7w1d
    Jonathan Daniel received his angel wings July 23, 2014 :( born 9/20/14
    Jackson Thomas was born October 31, 2014 @ 35w 5d

  • Sending big hugs. Hoping they catch up.

    **************SIGGY WARNING**************


    Me 32 :: DH 41

     TTC since November, 2011

    DH's SA : Excellent

    Lap and Hysteroscopy June 2012

    DX: PCOS, Stage III Endo, slight Adenomyosis, blocked tube, and probable LPD

    Treatments:  6 Months Lupron Depot injections; 1500 mg metformin; 3 cycles of Clomid + TI = BFN

    3 endometrial biopsies all were "out of phase" 

    September - December, 2013:  Break to lose weight and get healthy

    40 lb weight loss but still not ovulating "in phase"  

    February - March 2014: bcps + follistim + trigger + TI = BFP

     Beta #1 (12dpo): 30; Beta #2 (18dpo): 500; Beta #3 (25dpo): 7,000!!! 

    1st u/s 4/16: One beautiful hb at 144 bmp 

    2nd u/s 4/29: hb at 166 bmp.  Graduated from RE!!


    Baby girl arrived on Thanksgiving day weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 20 inches


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • I just wish that if I am going to lose these babies that it would just happen so I could move on. This sucks so bad. How does one find hope when it doesn't look like there is any? I can't help but feel like a failure right now.
    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • Sending lots of T&PS that this turns around. It shouldn't have to be this hard. Giant hugs.

    TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
    DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
    5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
    OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
    DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
    DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
    CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
    DE IVF #3 1/14  ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d

    DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
    First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!

    K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days


    SAIF/PAIF Welcome

  • awww I have been thinking about you all day, I am praying, praying hard for you three. I am so sorry your going through this. You have fighters that is for sure. Rest and take care of yourself. I hope the meds help. sending you lots of ((hugs)) and your not a failure :(
    Me: 35  low AMH, normal FSH
    DH: 31 Fair DNA fragmentation test :( Normal SA
    TTC: since March 2012

    09-21-13 start IVF #1
    10-04-13 ER 6 eggs, 6 mature, all 6 fertilized. 3 frozen
    10-08-13 fresh transfer canceled due to high progesterone
    waiting for FET
    10-18 started BCP
    10-29 baseline appt scheduled
    11-20 scheduled date of FET #1
    12-2 BFN :(

    3-1-14 moving on to the next step. Switched RE. going to plan 3 IUI cycles while saving for IVF#2

    April 2014- IUI#1  BFN
    May 2014- IUI#2 BFN
    June 2014 IUI#3 BFN

    Taking a break for a while, focusing on our wedding.

    Sept 24th missed period! Surprise natural BFP
    10-15-14 first ultrasound
    06-05-15 EDD


  • IhopeIhope member
    Prayers that the meds help.
  • You're not a failure! Hang in there girl, you're not out yet. Sending lots and lots of good juju your way

  • I'm so sorry you're going through this - sending positive thoughts your way!
    Baby girl born 6/2/14
    2nd baby due 5/15/16

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • You're not a failure!! It takes an amazingly strong person to do this!  T&P's are with you!
  • Sending all the positive vibes I can muster for you and your little dudes! I hope everything works out...
    Actively TTC since 01/11
    Me: 06/12 Dx w/ IR PCOS (rx 2000 metformin) DH: SA all clear; looking good
    06/12-10/12- Clomid/Femara + trigger + TI + P4 = 3 BFNs, hysteroscopy, polypectomy, D&C
    11/12 - 7.5 mg Femara + trigger + IUI + P4 = BFN
    12/12 - Surprise BFP ectopic (MTX 01/13)
    04/13 - Off the Bench! 7.5 mg Femara + trigger + IUI #2 + estradiol + P4 = BFN
    05/13 Clear HSG-5 mg Femara + Menopur + trigger + IUI #3 + P4 = BFP ectopic (MTX 07/03 & 07/11)
    07/23 emergency lap to remove ectopic mass and left tube
    10/13 5mg Femara + Menopur + trigger + TI(follie on left/no IUI)=BFN
    11/13 Same as above but BFP!
    Beta #1 12dpo-51     Beta #2 15dpo-178
    12/5- There's something in my ute!!
    Keaton Alexander is here 07/24/2014 !!
  • Huge hugs, thoughts, and prayers.
    I understand feeling like a failure, and in some ways I think it was the necessary part of the grieving process for me.
    Feel free to PM me anytime you want to chat.

    TTC #1 since 12/2010 DH: MFI, cancer survivor Me: Resected septate uterus, lap treated mild endo, tubes open, ovulate on own, autoimmune disease 3 Failed IUI's (2/2012, 4/2012, 6/2012) 
    IVF #1 August 2012. BFP! Beta #1 56.7 Beta #2 150 One baby, one heartbeat on 9/20/12! no h/b @7w6d. dandc @8w0d
    FET #1 December 2012, BFN
    FET #2 February 2013, no embies survived thaw
    IVF #2, BFP #2, Loss #2 March 2013, Scar tissue discovered, RPL testing,
    IVF #3, BFP #3, Loss #3 (twins) September 2013
    Hostile ute, moving onto Gestational Carrier!

    GC/FET #1 of 1 5AA blast and 1 compacted blast, February 2014, BFP #4 on 3/1/2014!
    6w u/s 1 bean with h/b of 145 bpm, 8w u/s 187 bpm
    EDD 11/7/14. Please, please, please stick little one!

    Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!


  • Thoughts are with you right now. I'm so sorry you going through all this. I hope you get better news on Saturday. 

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

    image image
    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
    image image
    image image image image 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I completely know how you feel. Hang in there and try and keep your focus. Sending so many prayers and thoughts your way. ((Big hug))
    ******************** BFP Warning *******************
    I'm 29 and DH is 32 we have a MFI (low count) 
    IVF #1 starting in August. ER 9/5/13 23 eggs we are fertilizing 15. 9 frozen
    ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
    7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
    Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
    Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
    FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
    FET #2 - 3/3/14 - 5AB Blast -- Beta #1 3/12 - 152 -- Beta #2 3/14 - 358
    FET #3 06/09/16 - 5AB Blast - Beta #1 6/18- 245 -- Beta #2 06/20 - 600
     PAIF/SAIF/PAL/SAL welcome!

  • ((((huge hugs))))

    Fx that the meds make a difference.

  • Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
  • You are NOT a failure!!!! I just started lovenox and aspirin this Saturday. We can be lovenox buddies! Sending you lots of virtual hugs.
    ---------------Siggy Warning--------------------

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicimage
    Me: 32, DH: 34  / TTC since February 2011 / SA: all normal, HSG: all clear! / on Lovenox for anticardiolipid antibodies
    4 IUIs with Clomid, Letrozole, and Menopur. All BFN.
    9/12: lap / hysteroscopy: found and removed mild endometriosis, cervical polyp, and 2 para-tubular cysts
    5/13 IVF #1: Follistim, Menopur, Ganirelix, 10R/4M/4F, ET of 2, 5 cell and 4 cell, no frosties = BFN
    12/13 IVF #2 = November / December 2013. Microdose Lupron Protocol: 15R/6M/6F, Froze all 6 due to high E2 and P4
    FET 1: Jan 22, 2014 of one 4AB blast and one 3BB blast (3 blasts on ice!)
    BFP on HPT 4dp5dt, Beta #1 9dp5dt: 310, Beta #2 11dp5dt: 899
    First u/s on 2/17/14: TWINS!!!!! both w/HBs of 114 at 6w3d, HBs 150 and 152 at 7w5d

    5/27/2014: Team purple!!!!  EDD 10/10/2014 / 
    Delivered by c-section at 32w0d 8/15/2014 due to preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome
    Baby Boy 4lbs 1oz, 17 inches
    Baby Girl 3lbs 5oz, 16 inches

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You are not a failure sweetie and it is not fair! It is a heartache that no one understands that hasn't gone through it. I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time. I am hoping that you LO will pull through. Please hang in there. This board is full of girls that have been through various tragedies and come out the other end. Don't know how your story will go, but pretty confident there is a baby out there for you! Either in your belly or waiting to be born another time!!


  • I'm so sorry this is happening, and I hope the meds do the trick. Will be thinking of you.
    Me:41  DH: 46 high count but poor motility & morphology
    TTC on and off since 2005

    July 2012: Infertility tests started at OB/Gyn, HSG and HSN all clear
    Sept 2012: IUI #1 w/Clomid - BFN
    Oct 2012: IUI #2 w/Clomid - cancelled due to cyst
    Nov 2012: IUI #3 w/Clomid - BFN
    Break to move and find new PCP, OB/Gyn & RE
    Sept 2013: first appt with RE
    Nov / Dec 2013: IVF #1 with ICSI split
      Dec 6: Retrieval, 4 retrieved, 2 mature, 1 fertilized
      Dec 11: Transferred 1 (Day 5)
      Dec 30:  HCG Beta, 4980. BFP!
     1 little bean!
    EDD: August 28 30 2014
    LO Arrived! August 31 2014

    All Welcome!

    image image
      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So sorry to hear :(

    I hope I'm not dense, but I thought a HR over 100 was considered good? 

                                         - ticker/siggy warning -

                                     ivf #1 (MFI): 18 retrieved, 16 fertilized 
         bfp: 8dp3dt, beta #1 10dp3dt: 103, beta #2 14dp3dt 637, EDD: 12.06.14! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm on lovenox as well. I hope it makes a positive difference for you!!

    Please know that you are not a failure- there is nothing you did it did not do to bring about this situation- unfortunately that probably isn't very comforting :(. You are doing everything you can do- my fingers are crossed that things start looking up- I'm sending lots of thoughts for comfort and peace. <3<3
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    TTC since 2008
    Dh:34, no issues.  Me:31, Endo, slightly hypothyroid, deformed ovary, paracentric inversion.
    4 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone +TI cycles= all BFN
    Lap in 2012 to remove large unresolving cyst discovered endo and double lobed ovary.
     6 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone IUI cycles= All BFN,
    1st IVF w/ICSI- June '13 Antagonist: Gonal-F, Menopur, Ganirelix, HcG, Estradiol, Crinone= 7 retrieved, 4 mature, 1 unfertilized, 2 abnormally fertilized, 1 normally fertilized.  2DT of only embryo and our miracle BFP.
    Our beloved baby boy was born sleeping Oct. 13, 2013 due to pROM/IC/Uterine infection.
    2nd IVF w/ICSI- Feb. '14 EPP/lupron/antagonist: Estrace, lupron, HGH, Gonal-F, Menopur, HcG, PIO, lovenox, doxy/dex.=21 retrieved, 16 mature, 15 fertilized!!  5dt of 1 blast/ 6 frozen. BFP!  Beta 1 9dp5dt:83.9  Beta 2: 11dp5dt: 145.2  Beta 3  14dp5dt: 497  Please be our sticky rainbow baby!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Sending sticky vibes your way, hope they catch up (hugs)
    Pregnant with #2

    IVF cycle 1 (Nov 2013)- freeze all d/t OHSS
    FET #1-BFN
    FET #2-BFP baby girl born Dec 2014
    FET #3-Sept 2017 BFP but miscarried at 6 weeks

    IVF cycle 2 (Oct 2017)- freeze all again d/t OHSS
    FET #1 BPF, pregnant with a singleton due Sept 2018

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • So sorry to hear :(

    I hope I'm not dense, but I thought a HR over 100 was considered good? 

    Ya but with my bleeding situation my RE is caustiously optimistic. He says that it is good but that mentally we should be prepared

    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • I'm on lovenox as well. I hope it makes a positive difference for you!!

    First, thank you for your kind words.

    If you don't mind me asking....

    I know you have an endo history, I have an adeno history (same sort of issue just different places).... Are you doing the lovenox because of that or do you have a history of clotting problems? If you want you can pm me.
    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • Come on babies, get strong. . Stay in there and stop scaring your parents, I'm praying for you. . ((((Hugggsss)))))))

    DH= burn vic, abn sa MFI|| ME= PCOS, Sarcoidosis, Hypohyroidism HSG-OK
    tried naturally 2011 & 2012-
    TTC with nurse practitioner 2013
    2 clomid cycles- both bfn, started seeing RE 2013 
    MARCH-BFP (beta1;104-beta2;302)-bc of hsg
    [[all welcome !!!!!!!!!!!! ]]
  • Been worrying and thinking about you all. Fx that the meds do the trick. Hang in there sweetheart- you've done all the right things and the doctor's not giving up; I'm sure it's tough to hold onto hope, just know that we're all here for you whatever happens!
    *****signature/ticker warning*****

    Me: 31, DOR-most recent AMH 0.28 and FSH 16.5
    DH:34, no issues
    9/13: DOR DX
     Clomid w/IUI cycle #1& 2=BFN
    Gonal-f w/ IUI cycle #3: 150 IU/day, IUI 12/16=BFP! Beta#1=175 on 12/30, beta#2=950 on 1/3, beta #3=9035 on 1/9; first U/S 1/17 showed one beautiful heartbeat @ 114,  second U/S on 1/24 hr=156 and everything perfect!

    BabyFetus Ticker


  • O2girl said:
    So sorry to hear :(

    I hope I'm not dense, but I thought a HR over 100 was considered good? 

    Ya but with my bleeding situation my RE is caustiously optimistic. He says that it is good but that mentally we should be prepared

    Apologies, this is what happens when you don't check in for a few days and read from the top down! Caught up now...and these little ones are fighters! Prayers that they'll pull through! 
                                         - ticker/siggy warning -

                                     ivf #1 (MFI): 18 retrieved, 16 fertilized 
         bfp: 8dp3dt, beta #1 10dp3dt: 103, beta #2 14dp3dt 637, EDD: 12.06.14! 
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • O2girl said:

    So sorry to hear :(

    I hope I'm not dense, but I thought a HR over 100 was considered good? 

    Ya but with my bleeding situation my RE is caustiously optimistic. He says that it is good but that mentally we should be prepared

    Apologies, this is what happens when you don't check in for a few days and read from the top down! Caught up now...and these little ones are fighters! Prayers that they'll pull through! 

    Oh no need to apologize Lady! Thank you for your care, I appreciate it!
    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • O2girl said:

    I'm on lovenox as well. I hope it makes a positive difference for you!!

    First, thank you for your kind words.

    If you don't mind me asking....

    I know you have an endo history, I have an adeno history (same sort of issue just different places).... Are you doing the lovenox because of that or do you have a history of clotting problems? If you want you can pm me.
    No clotting issues or any other blood issues- my RE likes to use lovenox for people who have had multiple failed cycles and/or losses. It hopefully helps with implantation and then goes on to encourage healthy blood flow to establish a strong placenta and umbilical cord. (Our baby had a velamentous cord- meaning it was attached to the very thin part of the placenta and not the thick portion where it should be. No way to prevent it, but it was one more thing we thought the lovenox might help.)

    Anything that even might help gets my vote <3
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    TTC since 2008
    Dh:34, no issues.  Me:31, Endo, slightly hypothyroid, deformed ovary, paracentric inversion.
    4 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone +TI cycles= all BFN
    Lap in 2012 to remove large unresolving cyst discovered endo and double lobed ovary.
     6 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone IUI cycles= All BFN,
    1st IVF w/ICSI- June '13 Antagonist: Gonal-F, Menopur, Ganirelix, HcG, Estradiol, Crinone= 7 retrieved, 4 mature, 1 unfertilized, 2 abnormally fertilized, 1 normally fertilized.  2DT of only embryo and our miracle BFP.
    Our beloved baby boy was born sleeping Oct. 13, 2013 due to pROM/IC/Uterine infection.
    2nd IVF w/ICSI- Feb. '14 EPP/lupron/antagonist: Estrace, lupron, HGH, Gonal-F, Menopur, HcG, PIO, lovenox, doxy/dex.=21 retrieved, 16 mature, 15 fertilized!!  5dt of 1 blast/ 6 frozen. BFP!  Beta 1 9dp5dt:83.9  Beta 2: 11dp5dt: 145.2  Beta 3  14dp5dt: 497  Please be our sticky rainbow baby!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • I am so so so sorry you are going through this. T & P with you and your husband. (((hugs)))


  • Logged in to see how you are doing. Sorry things are rough!  >:D< Hang in there, hope the drugs do the trick! I've been on aspirin for both pregnancies too. Don't feel like a failure, you are an incredibly strong woman to have been through everything you have been through & still come back for more to help you baby(s) find a way home. I know it feels like everything is collapsing around you right now but hang in there, who knows what the weekend will bring! You will get through this!

  • Thank you ladies! Your support and care means so much to me! You are all AMAZING!
    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • ((Hugs)) fx for better news on saturday
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I'm sorry that it's not looking great, but I hope that the meds help and that things look a little better on Saturday.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IF
    Oct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIs
    Feb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! (EDD 11/4/14)
    Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!

  • ccamccam member
    Hope you get better news on Saturday!


    Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

    IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

    November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

    Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26

    1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

    Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Trying for #2

    FET #1 - October '13 - c/p   l   FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled :(   l   FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN

    ~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~

    Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I am so sorry! I will be praying for your little beans and for a good U/S report on Saturday!

    ******Siggy Warning**************

    Me 29 - no known issues ( Highest FSH 10.1??) 
    DH- 36 - quite the perfect man!
    TTC since 1/2011
    IUI #1 March 2012 
    BETA #1  BFP
    B/O at 6 weeks D&C @ 10 weeks 
    IUI #2-7 (2012)= BFN
    IVF  Jan 14 - Follistim, Ganirelix
    22R, 8M, 8F
    ET  (1-14-14) - 1 Grade A 8 cell = BFN
    FET (2-18-14)  1 grade A 12 cell and one early morula!
    BETA #1 (3-3-14) =1,389  p4 17.4
    BETA #2  (3-5-14) = 4,553 u/s showed one small g sac
    U/S #2      (3-17-14) Shows two little beans with heartbeats!!! TWINS!! 
                                       Heartbeats were 119 & 120 beans measured (6 weeks 1 day) (6 weeks 2 days)
    found out at 20 weeks that baby B went to heaven
    11/12/14 Baby girl arrived :)
    FET (1-24-16) Grade A early morula 
    BETA #1 300 p4. 11.1 
    BETA#2 1300
    u/s d 1 tiny babe :)
    10/7/16 another sweet baby girl
    4/18 SURPRISE + HPT 
    Beta #1 6 weeks 16,202 p4. 13.2

  • ((hugs)) Hoping and praying for your little fighters.
    Trying to grow our family with both fertility treatments and adoption since March 2009 
    IUIs#1-4 = BFN, IVF#1 = c/p, IVF#2 = OHSS, FET#1=BFP
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've been thinking of you.  I'm so sorry you are dealing with this, it just isn't fair.  You're in my thoughts, and I'm sending along positive vibes.

    Me: 32 | He: 35
    TTC since Sept 2011
    DX: Unexplained
    1st round of clomid: Jan 2013 BFP - M/C 8 weeks
    surprise BFP Apr 2013 - M/C 9 weeks
    IUI #1 clomid Jul 2013 = BFN
    IUI #2 clomid Aug 2013 = BFN
    IUI #3 injects Oct 2013 = BFN
    IUI #4 injects Dec 2013 = BFN
    IVF #1 March 2014 - 12R/12F, one perfect day 5 blast transferred
    BFP!! Beta#1 = 431 Beta#2 = 914 Beta#3 = 2207

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

  • I'm so sorry that your smaller one didn't have a strong heartbeat. You have been through so much over the last several days. I am sending so many hopes, thoughts, and good vibes your way that your bigger one is a fighter and keeps on keeping on. Thinking of you.
    ****loss discussed*****

    We're queer. I'm 33, have severe stage 4 endo, and had both fallopian tubes removed. My love ("Manada" on the boards, 32) was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve. We did Partner IVF (my eggs, her uterus). We lost our twins Tavin and Casey at 21 weeks gestation.

    Our IUIs
    with @Manada: IUI# 1-7 (December 2012- September 2013) all BFN. Tried natural, femara, clomid, puregon/follistim, clomid and menopur combo, both the ovidrel and HCG triggers.

    Our IVFs:
    IVF #1 my eggs November/December 2013: Cancelled IVF due to poor response

    IVF #2 my eggs/Manada's uterus January/February 2014
    BCPs and lupron overlap Stimmed: 1/22-2/2: Bravelle and Menopur (dosage ranged from B300 and M150 to B375 and M150 to B300 and M225)
    2/4 retrieved 10 eggs. Endo was much worse than expected. Only 3 eggs fertilized; February 7 transferred two day 3 embryos, froze one. All great condition.
    BFP eve of 6dp3dt; Beta 1 (11dp3dt): 110; Beta 2 (13dp3dt): 175; Beta 3 (15dp3dt): 348; Beta 4 (19dp3dt): 2222; Beta 5 (21dp3dt): 4255
    1st ultrasound (3/6  6w 1d): TWINS!!!! Twin A measuring 6w1d with a heartbeat of 118bpm. Twin B measuring 6w0d with a heartbeat of 113bpm. 

    ***July 18, 2014 we lost our beautiful babies at 21 weeks gestation. They were born too early. Tavin Sara T. and Casey Elizabeth T. are beautiful and precious and we will love them and miss them forever.***

    FET #1 December 2014
    Intralipid infusion on Dec 10. Transfer of 1 day 3 nine-cell embryo into my uterus on Dec. 19. (acupuncture immediately before and after)
    BFP on Dec. 27; Beta 1 Jan 2 (14dp3dt): 665, Beta 2 Jan 4 (16dp3dt): 1859, Beta 3 Jan 6 (18dp3dt): 4449, Beta 4 Jan 10 (22dp3dt): 12,251.

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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