
Which pump should I get?

These are the options I have through insurance.  I had an Ameda Purely Yours with DS2 and didn't love it.  I'm leaning towards the Medela, but there are two diferent options.  Anyone have any experience with either?  Also, I've never heard of the Hygeia.  Any thoughts on that one?  I want which ever one is going to be the most powerful.  :)

I'll probaby post this on BF too.  Thank you for any help you can give!

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Re: Which pump should I get?

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    I always vote for Medela. The hospital grade ones are the bomb.
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    So the Medela is a PISA, but just with a smaller bag right? I vote for that one. I used a Medela with both kids and liked it.
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    I agree that the Purely Yours is not that great. My daughter was in and out of the hospitals as a baby and I always used the Medelas to pump and loved it.

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    What version do they have in the NICU? Have you had any success with it?
    I'm stuck in your box.  The one in the NICU is a Medela and it's been great.  My milk came in a lot quicker than I expected.
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    So the Medela is a PISA, but just with a smaller bag right? I vote for that one. I used a Medela with both kids and liked it.

    @MrsWindyCity  This is what I'm not sure about.  It looks like I have two Medela options (they are the first two in this chart)  I just can't really tell what the main difference is, other than the bag


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    I only see one medela option on the first link and the second takes me to an order form where I need to choose insurance, so I don't see anything there.
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    Sorry about that. 

    The two options are the first two in this chart.  They look exactly the same except for the bag



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    I rented the hospital grade Medela for 2 months because DS wouldn't latch correctly for a while. He had a mild tongue tie and was a lazy eater. I purchased the Purely Yours and hated it for the next 6 months.

    /Anecdote - I vote for the  Medela PISA.
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    Ahh, yeah they do look the same except for the bag. So weird that the cooler bag does not come out in the second option?! I can't remember if you work and will be pumping a lot. If so you may want to go with the bigger bag (although again, the cooler thing is weird) so that you can transport parts all in the same bag. I almost never used the cooler bag that came with it and just used a separate lunch bag, anyway. I got a second pump the second time around since my insurance covered it and so I just left one at work, which was SO nice. 
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    Are they giving you snappies for storing your milk in the NICU freezers/coolers? We hoarded those things like they were gold.

    Yes they are!!
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    Another hygeia vote. That damn thing was so powerful!

    I'm going to have to look at that one more. I thought I had my Medela all picked out, but of the two they supposedly offer, only one has the let down button. We called to order it, and of course, that model isn't covered.
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    I didn't BF, but a blog I read had a review of the Hygeia that she used for her second child.  She seemed to really like it and might help you learn more about it. 

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    I'm the odd one out but I did not like my hygeia at all. It was my second pump with DS2. Part of it was probably getting used to it after using the PISA, but I just was not a fan in general. My coworker also had one (we both got it since it was covered by insurance) and also did not like hers. I feel like they're really inconsistent based on stuff I've read.
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