
PR: Help with sinus problems

edited April 2014 in Parenting
DD started having a cough Saturday at nap time. It quickly turned into her coughing up mucus. Since then she's had the never-ending runny nose that's so stuffy that she can't breathe, and she's been constantly complaining of her belly hurting. I think her belly is from the drainage going into it, cause she ended up coughing so much at nap time at daycare yesterday that she threw up mucus.

She's been on allergy meds for weeks. I switched her to the Allegra this morning (the pedi told me to switch to that cause Zyrtec was making her sleep walk). She's on cough medicine, but it only lasts for 4 horus, so even though I give it to her before daycare, it's gone by nap time, and of course it's always worse when you lay down. I also put some Vick's on her last night to help her breathe and ran a humidifier, and yet she STILL got a bloody nose and barely slept at all. 

What else can I do? She's fine during the day (except for her belly), but she's miserable at nap time and bedtime. I hate giving her so much medicine, but I want her to be able to sleep.

ETA: Sorry it looks wonky. I XP'd from an offboard.
DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}

Re: PR: Help with sinus problems

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    DD sucks her fingers, so when she gets sick, I make sure to saline shoot her nose. It keeps it clear for awhile. I like the Little Noses one.

    I feel your pain on snot puke. It's DS's signature move.

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