

Who is celebrating? My mom is hosting second night. How about you guys?

Re: Passover

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    We are. Or at least I am. DH is Catholic---so he follows Passover when it is beneficial to him---I think he ate our box of matzah already. :) DD is too young to force her to not eat breads/carbs/etc.

    We are going to my parents for the second Seder tomorrow. I am actually going to make meringue cookies in a bit for the second night. I figure for the part this will work nicely in my diet---cutting out all the breads/grains for the week.

    This is my favorite Passover video:

    My daughter is my hero.
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    We went to a Seder at a friend's house last night. Yea, before the holiday even started. We're all super observant like that. But a non work night was so much easier for everybody.

    I typically only do the fun part of holidays, so aside from snacking on matzah this week, we're probably done for now.
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