
Is it safe..... come out of hiding?!

Lurker here coming over from Jan14. My husband and I had our first daughter in January and are totally in love with her!! Even during the "she's screaming so loud you can feel it - get me a damn beer" moments!!

About me: 34, from New Orleans, speech therapist/rehab director, married to a Navy man (his last day was this past Monday - yay!!) one human baby, two fur babies.

To answer the basics that I can remember:

Buggies (shopping carts in nola) - always get returned, even in the rain.

Cilantro - eh, I can take it or leave it.

Cumberbatch - y'all can keep him. Give me all of Bradley Cooper - ALL of him, now thank you.

I want beer over wine, and Jack Daniels over all others.

So there ya have it - fire away with any questions. Can't promise to answer quickly, but I will answer. Figured it was better to intro than be the creepy lurker that just started commenting.
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