July 2014 Moms

Retail Therapy is Good For Babies?

Re: Retail Therapy is Good For Babies?

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    Screw the babies, sometimes MAMA needs the retail therapy! ;-) 
    My sweet little munchkin! 
    8 lbs, 13 oz.  21" long

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    Hehe I fear reading it, I think my head might explode if I did....
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    It must be true.  I asked DD if she wanted to go to the store with me to pick out her Easter dress and a potty.  She was so damn excited and had a great time.  She's a good little shopper.

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    BFP#2 7/3/13.  U/S at 6w4d showed 1 heartbeat at 127 bmp and 2 empty sacs.  MMC discovered at 10w4d.  D&C 8/27/13.  Pathology showed normal boy.  Missing our babies every day.
    BFP#3 10/29/13!  Beta#1 at 4w5d - 2141, beta#2 at 5w1d - 7651!  U/S 11/21/13 showed baby measuring 2 days ahead with a heartbeat of 127 bmp!
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    I took my first born to a shopping centre as a treat once (about 4 years old)- she had her own little wallet with her Christmas money in and I pretty much let her pick what she wanted. She loved it! She spent 45 minutes of her own accord trying on shoes and boots then had the time of her life showing Daddy what she'd bought when we got home. Such a responsible shopper, asked if she had enough money for things first and carried all her own bags.
    The walk home wore her completely out so she slept like a log as well. 

    Depends on the child and the child's mood though. Tried it again a few months after and she screamed the place down.

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    This is my kind of study! What a great excuse to go shopping! 

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    I was going to take DS1 to the playground this afternoon, but instead I think I'll take him to Target.  Thanks OP!

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    Huahine said:
    I was going to take DS1 to the playground this afternoon, but instead I think I'll take him to Target.  Thanks OP!

    When I saw the story on the Today Show this morning, they basically said something similar.  While your snobby mom friends take their babies to fancy camps or play dates and do pinterest crafts, you can be all "yeah well I took my baby shopping!"  

    FTR,  I'm just planning on using this study to justify what I do during the day to DH while I'm home on maternity leave ;-)

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    abchittamabchittam member
    edited April 2014
    Not here! DS HATES shopping. I just quit trying. My mom usually watches him if I need to go somewhere.

    ETA: but I'm hoping to train DD to love it ;)
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    seellsseells member
    edited April 2014
    DD LOVES shopping. She wants to buy everything. I can't take her anywhere near the shoe section because she just goes bananas wanting them. This girl seriously has like 20 pairs of shoes. (She has her grandpa wrapped around her finger)
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