November 2014 Moms

Miserable 24/7 and needing help

This is my first pregnancy and my husband and I are so thrilled that we are expecting, but I thought pregnancy would be a lot different.  I'm 7 weeks and for the past week I am nauseous 24/7.  I start to feel a little better around 9:30 at night for about 30 minutes and then right back to queasy.  I'm not vomiting at all, but I think that makes it worse.  I would so much rather throw up once a day then feel like this all day every day. I have tried everything they say to--ginger ale, ginger chews, ginger tea, crackers, apples, b12's--and nothing helps!  The only time I feel some what ok is when I am eating something in the bread family, but I'm worried that I can't give my baby the nutrients they need right now.  I just want to enjoy my pregnancy, any suggestions?

Re: Miserable 24/7 and needing help

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    We all feel like crap.

    You could ask your doc for zofran, that may help take the edge off.




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    Last time I was pregnant I didn't eat anything for over a month because of my gallbladder and the botched surgery I had. The pediatrician at the hospital told me that the baby will still get nutrients. What happens is your body will start breaking down its components to give the baby what it needs. Including your bones. Just make sure you get your daily vitamins. My doctor told me freezing the vitamins helps them go down easier. Keep eating the bread and I have found that peppermint really helps.
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    lisarenlisaren member
    edited April 2014
    Eat bread or whatever makes you feel good or better. The baby is fine! Ask for zofran but be prepared for constipation.
    Try drinking water at room temperature. No super cold drinks.

    Hope you feel better soon!

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    Thank you.  I don't have my first ultrasound for another 2 weeks, so I wanted to try and kick the nausea naturally before going in and asking for meds.  @ Maelara thanks for the info; at least I know I'm not taking nutrients away from the baby.  
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    try upping your magnesium and snacking on raw carrots
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    Same exact boat. I feel your pain. I was living on saltines and ginger ale and freaking about the salt, sugar and total lack of vitamins but today was like a miracle day. I had a snack before bed (pretzels) and ate a blueberry muffin before I got out of bed and then was able to work out (1st time in 1.5 weeks!!), go grocery shopping, work a little (i'm an academic so research/writing is my job) and then i made a plain cheese pizza (not frozen) and a huge fruit bowl. Thank god for small miracles. Hang in there!
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    I am right with you! I will be 8 weeks on Saturday and the last two weeks have been awful. I'm nauseous all day everyday and on top of that I'm taking Progrsterone too and that makes me feel worse. I put a call to the doctor today I need relief! Hope you start feeling better!
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    Try B-6... it's supposed to help with nausea. 

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    Be sure to express your nutritional concerns to your dr. He/she will likely echo ehat's said here but it may help to hear it from the dr. I've been finding that even though I'm not craving fruit, it usually sits well withme. I've been liking pears and strawberries. To settle my stomscvh I have a small handful of Trader Joe's Beurre Meunière Popcorn, brown butter with lemon. Sounds syrange, but it works. My friend likes Pop Corners (although, neither is real great in nutritional value). My friend easd so glad she asked for meds too and wishes she had done so earlier. She takes it when the nausea hits and doesn't need it every day and now well into her 2nd trimester the need is very infrequent.
    Oh, getting more sleep has really helped me too.
    Hope you feel better soon, it's no fun.
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    This was me and I really felt like I was robbed of enjoying pregnancy.  Here I am pregnant again and it is just as bad.  I was on Zofran every 4 hours and had a couple of hospital stays for dehydration.  It is only 9 months and that newborn makes you forget a lot.  
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    We are pregnant and not in a movie or on 16 & pregnant. It isn't glamorous. We feel like shit.

    Nothing helped me last time. I was sick 24/7. The term morning sickness is a misnomer. If you aren't actually throwing up I'm not sure zofran will do much. I had it last week for a virus and while it prevented me from throwing up it made me feel twice as nauseous.

    Sorry we are in real life and that pregnancy doesn't feel awesome and it's what you were expecting.
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    We are pregnant and not in a movie or on 16 & pregnant. It isn't glamorous. We feel like shit. Nothing helped me last time. I was sick 24/7. The term morning sickness is a misnomer. If you aren't actually throwing up I'm not sure zofran will do much. I had it last week for a virus and while it prevented me from throwing up it made me feel twice as nauseous. Sorry we are in real life and that pregnancy doesn't feel awesome and it's what you were expecting.
    I've only throw up a couple of times but the zofran has helped the constant nausea a lot for me! 




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    @jaimiec85‌ just remember you're in the early stages that can kick your ass. Hopefully the second trimester (or even before) will be a little less yuck.
    My other four pregnancies were pretty fuckin fabulous! No sickness or yuck feeling. This one, not so lucky but it is what it is.
    Not every pregnancy is shitty ;)

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    I think we all feel your pain :). The hard part of being pregnant is that you just have to suck it up and wait out your symptoms. Zofran helped me a little bit but didn't make enough of a difference to justify me to keep taking it. I also tried the unisom/b6 combo and that didn't do anything for me. I just try to eat whatever works and not worry about nutritionally good food at this point. So if bread works for you, by all means keep eating bread!! Hopefully your nausea will subside around the end of your first trimester.
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    jolly ranchers helped me get thur work but I just got zofran and vitamin b6, and I can tell a difference
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    I'm almost 7 weeks and haven't felt sick that much but when I do, eating carbs definitely helps. I've also heard that getting enough magnesium could help with the nausea. Try drinking coconut water or as your dr about taking extra magnesium supplements.
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    I also completely feel for you! I am 10w2d and I think I am turning the corner, I still have nausea off and in but it's not quite as bad!

    I was also worried about the fact that I could hardly eat anything but bagels and kraft dinner for awhile but every week I slowly started to be able to tolerate more food. Strawberries helped me and at least it's a fruit lol. Someone once said that the first trimester is all about survival, and it makes sense to me!

    I was not throwing up but horribly nauseated and went on diclectin and it really did help take the edge off so I was able to function when I woke up in the morning. I also suck on jolly ranchers, for some reason the sourness helps!

    Hang in there!!
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    Maelara said:

    Last time I was pregnant I didn't eat anything for over a month because of my gallbladder and the botched surgery I had. The pediatrician at the hospital told me that the baby will still get nutrients. What happens is your body will start breaking down its components to give the baby what it needs. Including your bones. Just make sure you get your daily vitamins. My doctor told me freezing the vitamins helps them go down easier. Keep eating the bread and I have found that peppermint really helps.

    Peppermint and jolly ranchers are huge help to me. I have to take my vitamins right before bed because they make me feel yucky. Good luck. Hope you feel better.
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    I am 10w today and have felt like this for the past two weeks. The only thing that has brought me any relief is fruit Popsicles. I have no clue why but I have gone through boxes of them!
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    I am taking zofran while recovering from a nasty stomach virus last week and it helped me a lot. i usually get MS symptoms at night and it has obviously helped with that also. my dr advised me to only take it if i really need it since it causes constipation which is already an issue for me but its worth a shot. I also spoke with my dr about my very limited diet (bread saltines ginger ale toast) but she assured me it's fine and just eat whatever I can keep down. the baby will be fine and when I feel better to expand my diet to more fruit and veggies. for now eat whatever you can and when you feel better you can focus on a more balanced diet.

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    Sorry you feel icky.  Unlike my first two pregnancies, this time I have been so queezy all the time that my mom had to come stay with us to help.  I was literally getting home from work, changing, and laying on the couch to mope.  Magically at 9 weeks things began to clear up.

    I bought some of the Preggie Pop Plus drops, they have B6 in them, and they actually do work well.

    Good luck!
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    Thank you all for your advice.  I'm on zofran now and while I am not feeling 100% and am still nauseous, I can at least get out of bed and go to work. I understand I don't live in a movie, but with this being my first pregnancy I went into it very positive and excited.  So obviously feeling yucky (along with hormones making me emotional) started to get me down. I just bought some organic preggie drops, they are sour so the jolly rancher idea makes perfect sense!  I hope everyone else in the same boat feels better.  I'm hoping by my second trimester I will be feeling much better so I can enjoy my pregnancy a bit more. 

    Thank you again for everyone that provided helpful and positive feedback! :)   
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    I had nausea like that up until last  Chewing gum seemed to help, lots of water too. 






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    Zofran, tea, rest, tolerance. Let's hope it lets up soon. Eyes on the prize.

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