Trying to Get Pregnant


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    Hey all! I need a little help/advice. My DH and I would <3 to get pregnant with our 2nd baby but just like with our daughter we are having issues..well mainly me. I have PCOS and after our first LO was born at my 6 week check up I had the implant put in my arm for BC. I recently had it taken out last September and have yet to get my period. So I don't even know where to start with that. 
    What did your doctor suggest?
    Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
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    The last time I was there they said they wanted to wait and see if my cycle starts on it's own and wait 6 months (which April will be 6 months). But, I can't make that follow up appointment b/c my DH was recently laid off and we lost our insurance as of March 31st. So, I don't know what to do...
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    The last time I was there they said they wanted to wait and see if my cycle starts on it's own and wait 6 months (which April will be 6 months). But, I can't make that follow up appointment b/c my DH was recently laid off and we lost our insurance as of March 31st. So, I don't know what to do...
    Get insurance and go to the doctor. Or pay OOP and go to the doctor while you're working on getting insurance.
    Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
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    Yea can't afford OOP and as far as ins goes..we can't afford it neither one of us is working. Or LO has medicaid so she's set...I'm trying to get it as well but pretty sure I don't qualify...
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    Well...I'm getting ready to start a job soon...and we have money that's not an issue..and not really trying at this moment...just getting advise for when we do get ready to actively try.
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    Just can't afford doctors office visits..they are outragious in my area
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    I'd manage just like I always do..and it doesn't much matter b/c like I said we aren't trying right now...probably won't until I've been at the new job for awhile..was just asking advice not to get the third degree from everyone!!!
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    I can't get pg when I don't cycle at ALL!  and by not actively trying I mean there's no sex! don't have the drive for it tell me how you get preg when you don't have sex
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    Yeah, I'd get the insurance etc. squared away before you worry about how you are going to TTC. Truthfully, your post here seems cart before the horse.

    If you want you can chart your basal body temperature, but you would need to have your period to start, I think.

    I say just keep doing what your doing with back up BC until you get the insurance set up & on more even footing with employment.

    If neither if you is employed or insured then it is phenomenally irresponsible to entertain the idea of another baby. Ducks in a row first. It's about what's best for all, not just what you want right this second.

    Wishing you the best.

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

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    Wait wut. Why did you DD
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    Thank you for the QFP! 

    I dont know this for a fact but doesn't planned parenthood offer low cost treatment and payment plans? Based on the information you provided it doesn't sound like you are in a good position to have a child but you may want to look into planned parenthood and get yourself a check up. 

    Married 10-5-12 | TTC#1 10-5-13 | BFP 4-5-14 | Due 12-12-14
    First u/s 4-21-14, Baby G has a heartbeat! 112BPM
    Second u/s 5-1-14 140BPM | Third u/s 5-3-14 168BPM

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