Natural Birth

Talk to me about flipping your breech baby...

JAM85JAM85 member
edited March 2014 in Natural Birth
So I am 31w and some change and my girl has been frank breech, as confirmed last Monday, for 3
Months now. I know I have some time but I gradually started doing some exercises from spinning babies and mybreechbaby. Honestly I know mentally I am early and have time but I am getting a little nervous that she has been in breech too long now and used to it-
I want to avoid a c section at all costs because a) I really want a natural birth and b) I have a blood clotting antigen as part of lupus that makes it more complicated than normal to do surgery. I have already stated I will not schedule a c section- if I go into labor and she is then checked and still breech then ok I give up but not until then! Has anyone had success with specific methods more so over others or had their baby turn at the last minute after being in breech for a long time?
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Re: Talk to me about flipping your breech baby...

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    Find a chiropractor certified in Webster Technique in your area:  Webster Technique is a way of aligning the pelvis so the baby can get into optimal position for birth
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    JAM85JAM85 member
    edited March 2014
    I have pregnancy Medicaid so I am limited on both what ob I can use and even the OBs in my own office as they rotate so I would have no idea who is going to be there. The one I saw last time was a CM before becoming an OB so I am going to request her at 35 weeks regardless and if I am still breech see if she has experience
    Or knows anyone who does in the practice who would be willing to be on call. And at that point discuss an ECV. Right now they still seem pretty cavalier about it. But my practice and hospital (where it is) also have very low c section rates (15%) so I think they may be more amenable
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    They discover LO was breech at 36wk, which I had suspected but she flipped back and forth a lot. At 37wk she was back head down so they didn't worry much but at 39.5wk she was breech again. Since I really didn't want an automatic c-sec they did a version that day, which was successful, and went ahead and induced to avoid her flipping again before I went into labor on my own. We were very confident with dates (charting and early u/s confirmed) so while it wasn't the ideal imo induction was better than csection.

    I tried the spinning babies tips - laying in various ways, but since LO flipped around a lot on her own I don't know if they helped/not.

    I'd ask more about the possibility of trying a version, from talking with my Drs and online reading they are pretty low risk and a great way to avoid a scheduled csect.  Finding a dr experienced/willing to try a vaginal breech birth may prove difficult since they don't really get training in it (and haven't since the 80s).

    Good Luck!

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    JAM85JAM85 member
    Thanks @Booger+Bear! If she is still breech close to 39 weeks, when they want to discuss induction anyways, I think this is a good route to go. I am not a huge fan of induction either but I'd rather that than a c section. Talking to my doctor about a version is definitely on my list- she doesn't seem to have turned at all this pregnancy so far although it's hard for me to tell as I have an anterior placenta but I have felt a lot more movements way down low I didn't before since my last u/s and the ice/hot method seems to be what gets her moving more than anything. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    moxibustion and acupuncture turned my baby from posterior to anterior.
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    my sisters baby turned with the help of acupuncture as well!
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