July 2014 Moms

Consignment sales

Plenty of you already know this so feel free to ignore, but for those who don't...it is now or soon will be spring consignment sale season. If you don't know how to find any in your area, start by googling for a moms of multiples group in your town/county/largest close towns/etc because they usually do a big sale. Likewise for googling consignment sale, children's consignment, etc. Many also advertise via craigslist since it is free so check your local craigslist listings. They can be a great source for stuff. Ours is at the end of April and I get most of DS's wardrobe there plus random toys/books/gear.

Again, many don't need this info at all but I didn't know as a FTM and wish someone had told me.
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Re: Consignment sales

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    Ours have already come and gone - all 4 of them! :(

    I will say that it was a lifesaver though! Glad you brought it up for others. We found out that we were having a girl the day that our first consignment sale started. I bought her a really good swing (that plugs into the wall) for half of retail price ($65 down from $130), a brand new moby wrap for $15, 35 pairs of socks for $3, 17 bibs for $7, just about all of her clothes up until 6months for a little over $100, and much much more!!!

    I have always been able to purchase my son's wardrobe by selling the previous year's clothes and toys. This year I actually made money, even after purchasing for baby girl too.

    Consignment sales are THE BOMB! \m/

    Also, a lot of places will have a "new mommy" sale that allows you to shop before the public. Check to see if that is an option for you to sign up. Spots here are limited. And the best advice I have found so far is to work the sales. Workers get the very first pick at items by shopping first. It usually requires a day of volunteer work in exchange. You definitely get the best deals that way of you can spare the time to work.
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    I've been frequenting our local one for several years, buying for my goddaughter, and just this Saturday got a great deal on lots of nice things for my little man as well. $40 bought me a stack of clothes to gift to my goddaughter, lots of nice things for little man, and several cute maternity pieces to add to my own wardrobe (gorgeous Motherhood dress for my SIL's wedding included). These things are lifesavers!
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    I just signed up for one. Fun!!!



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    I signed up for one that's going on in April. I get to go to the new mommy pre-sale! I'm excited!

    Is there anything I should try to stay away from at these sales? Other than carseats, of course.
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    Any thoughts about going the first day for the best selection vs. the last day for the 1/2 off sale?

    Going to my very first sale this weekend and debating...thanks!!
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    Any thoughts about going the first day for the best selection vs. the last day for the 1/2 off sale?

    Going to my very first sale this weekend and debating...thanks!!
    If you have the time, I'd go to both. Clothes are great to save for the half off, but if you are looking for a specific type of equipment go ahead and buy it the first day.

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    I never go to those and there are far and few. However in my area we have city wide garage sales every weekend(fri-sun) starting in april-june. You get free ads to post and other great options! You get a list of cities and when they are set to have their sales! You can pretty much find a sub division, park your car and shop. Fun!
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    I never go to those and there are far and few. However in my area we have city wide garage sales every weekend(fri-sun) starting in april-june. You get free ads to post and other great options! You get a list of cities and when they are set to have their sales! You can pretty much find a sub division, park your car and shop. Fun!

    That sounds cool. We don't have that kind of thing here.

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    I just went to our MoM one Friday night and had great success! Spent $57 and got 18 things. Found a bunch of Polo, Baby Gap, and Janie and Jack, all in great condition. And, scored a pair of Keen's for DS for $4! I love consignment sales and can't wait to start selling!!!!
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    Ours is at the end of April, first weekend in May. I'd go in with a list if you are FTM. I remember when I went the first time when I was pregnant with DD and had panic attack cause there was so.much.stuff. In regards to going when the sale opens vs 1/2 price, I too would go to both. Our sale has a 25% and 50% of days (Sat & Sun) and by then most stuff is pretty picked over. Also not everything is 25% or 50%. The tag has to be marked as so. Not sure if this is the same at other sales, but consignors can chose to discount their items or not.
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    cookieinva  where are you going for the consignment sales? I've seen you say on TB before that you live in NOVA and since I live in DC, I thought I would ask you. I"m a FTM and would like to learn more about them. Thank you!!!

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    @ashcross I'm in MD and there is one in Annapolis May 1-4.
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    BP607BP607 member
    I wish we had the kind of quality PP mentioned at our consignment sales here.  I stopped by one a few weeks ago and the clothes were not in great shape and the combination smell of all the different laundry detergents plus stale cigarette smoke made me nauseous.  
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    @ashcross I'm in MD and there is one in Annapolis May 1-4.
    Thank you!!!! 

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    @ashcross, I volunteer and shop at a smaller one in Centreville, VA. That is outside the beltway so might be a bit far for you. No offense, but Google is your friend. I typed in "dc consignment sale" and the first link was for this: https://www.dckidsconsignment.com/Welcome.html

    The second result was this site which apparently allows you to search any state or by zip code: https://consignmentmommies.com/consignment-sales/dc-kids-consignment-sale

    If you Google for multiples groups, there is Northern Virginia parents of multiples, Montgomery County parents of multiples, Fairfax County Moms of Multiples, Columbia moms of multiples, etc.

    I haven't checked craigslist as well but I think you get the idea...there's plenty out there if you look.
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    @ashcross, I volunteer and shop at a smaller one in Centreville, VA. That is outside the beltway so might be a bit far for you. No offense, but Google is your friend. I typed in "dc consignment sale" and the first link was for this: https://www.dckidsconsignment.com/Welcome.html

    The second result was this site which apparently allows you to search any state or by zip code: https://consignmentmommies.com/consignment-sales/dc-kids-consignment-sale

    If you Google for multiples groups, there is Northern Virginia parents of multiples, Montgomery County parents of multiples, Fairfax County Moms of Multiples, Columbia moms of multiples, etc.

    I haven't checked craigslist as well but I think you get the idea...there's plenty out there if you look.
    yea I usually research things myself but since you mentioned it and I saw you were from NOVA, I thought I would ask. Thank you and I will totally look more into it. 

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    BP607 said:
    I wish we had the kind of quality PP mentioned at our consignment sales here.  I stopped by one a few weeks ago and the clothes were not in great shape and the combination smell of all the different laundry detergents plus stale cigarette smoke made me nauseous.  
    That really really sucks. I would be pissed if things had a smoke smell. I've actually found that the bigger (and not church) sales have things that are far greater quality. Otherwise, it might just be crap you'd find at your average garage sale. 

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    I'm so excited for these!!!  And now I'm wishing there were at least one happening after my shower to do a scoop-up of misc. things we need.

    Alexander - 8/9/14
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    I should have included that at least as far as I know, these are often twice a year things - once in spring and once in fall. So while you may not find one after your shower, you might find one in September or thereabouts which can be good timing for things you discover you need after a month or two with a newborn.
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    I am so glad you posted this, I have never been to a consignment sale in my life and it hadn't even occurred to me! I looked it up and there is one in my city next week, perfect! I also looked up the typical prices for different item and am now SO EXCITED to get stocked up!
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    I went to one today and got tons of clothes for both boys and brand new avent glass bottles. I wish I had went yesterday though, most of the big items were already gone.
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    I cannot wait!!! We have a HUGE one at a our local civic center twice a year. It's happening next weekend. Woot!



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    We've already had our spring sale season here.  Since Im team green I didn't get a whole lot for baby.  Got some great stuff for DD.  Baby is coming just in time for the fall sales which works out great.  

    Its a great way to make extra cash and I did really well this season.  
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    I went to the spring sale last month & got a lot of great stuff. The fall one is in August so I'm not sure if I'll feel up to that one or not.
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    We went to a just between friends sale on the half off day and scored a $10 boppy and something like 40 onesies and other random stuff for $50. So much awesome!!! I'd never heard of them before this though!

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