So I bit the bullet and bought a didymos off eBay. We have been practicing carries around the house, mainly the rucksack because I still like my ergo for front carrying. I got a size six but it really feels like too much fabric. I already know I need a lighter one as it get warmer because this is a wool blend and I can see it being too got.
But here we are after watching YouTube many times.
Re: Woven....
ETA: after reading Crunchymommas posts I thought I should add that I am relatively petite so that could be why the size six is so large for me. I'm 5'2 130lbs. And most of my weight is in my thighs and bottom so I don't have a lot going on up top.
I love baby wearing but I have so much to learn!!
I'd keep the six and get a shorty (size 3) in a hemp or linen blend since they are stronger. Linen is especially good for the summer.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
yup! You can also do a rebozo carry which uses a slip knot instead of rings.