June 2013 Moms

AW: Bragging

My DD does gymnastics and today she did awesome!!! It's the fifth competition she has ever done and she took 4th on floor, 3rd on vault, 1st on beam and took 1st over all!!!! I'm so freaking proud of her!! Now here is some pics of my lil gymnast.imageimageimage

DD1 5/16/2006 8lbs 3oz 21" (2 days late, 36.5 hour labor)
M/C 12/08/09 6w5d
DS1 6/27/2013 7lbs 9oz 19.5" (1 day late, 17.5 hour labor)
M/C 12/18/13 6w1d Twins
BFP#5 4/6/13 EDD 12/16/2014

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