
Am I Overfeeding?

It seems like every time LO cries and I hold him he turns his head toward the breast. Sometimes its only been 45min-1hr since he ate so he shouldn't be hungry and when I offer the breast he usually only eats 5-10min before falling asleep.  Am I reading the signs right? Is he turning toward the breast more for comfort than from hunger? I want to feed on demand but don't want to make the breast the answer for every cry.

Re: Am I Overfeeding?

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    With my first I really tried to follow more of a schedule wait 2 hours or so between feeds.  I as scared I was going to create a comfort eater, etc.  

    With my second I took a totally different approach and thought if he shows interest I will  nurse him even if it's only been 1/2 an hour or something.  So I did, I fed him a lot in the beginning, I'm sure some of it was comfort, but in reality who cares?  I don't think we give newborns enough credit, but imagine what they go through those first few weeks, what a huge, shocking transition it must be for them, life on the outside.  Anyway, DS was a happier baby and slept infinitely better at night, part of it was I'm sure his disposition but I think part of it was feeding him on demand.  Now 14 months later he only nurses 3 times a day, it doesn't last forever!  
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    He is 8 weeks and this has only been going on a week or so. His usual feeding is about 20min and weight gain is good.
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    If he isn't hungry, he won't eat.

    When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

    Baby Boy M - 08/01/2013 

    Expecting Baby Bean February 2017
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    I think he could be going through a growth spur or something. Liek PPs said, it's hard to overfeed if bm on demand. Did you already have the 2 mo check up? If not you could also ask the doc.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    My LO was a notorious cluster eater... If he isn't hungry he wont eat but I think if you EBF on demand it lets your LO know that he can count on you and helps to bond better... Keep doing what you are doing!!
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    Thank you everyone! I have been truly feeding on demand sometimes 3 times and hour and sometimes 4 hours apart and he honestly seems happier :)
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