September 2014 Moms

Second time moms, what the heck do we need?

So, I know we need to get a carseat (ours expired) and stroller. Plus there is stuff I "want" to get - new bedding and stuff.

But, what do we NEED that I am zoning on? With the whole registry thing everything was covered. I kept a lot of stuff, but I feel like there is more we need than just diapers, wipes and maybe some new bottles.

Any thoughts?
Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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Re: Second time moms, what the heck do we need?

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    I'm thinking more little stuff...diaper cream...hmmm, I suppose I need to wander around target.
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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    Oh, good ideas! We need a diaper pail (we chucked the first one) and I have no idea where all the parts are to the baby monitor. Hmmm.
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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    Maybe new pacifiers? Baby medicine (we always keep basics around)? Body wash/shampoo? "Baby" laundry soap? Breast milk bags/ lanolin/ etc. if you're BFing? ... I'm trying to think of what we'll need to buy too. An extra hamper?



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    Breast pads, nipple cream, binkies, diapers, wipes, some clothing(if opposite gender). 

    We co-sleep, breastfeed, and cloth diaper so that limits what we need.
    We need another dresser, and a new pack n play since ours is getting old.
    Me - J.R. - 05/1986
    DH - J.I. - 08/1986
    Married - 09/22/2006
    DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
    DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
    DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
      DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014

    Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!

    I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
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    edited March 2014
    Deleted, Never mind, I misread the question :)


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    I agree consumables. I still have all my old bottles - glass and plastic, but I'll need new nipples and pacifiers. I'm having a boy so I've salvaged all of my daughter's unisex stuff ( yeah I was anti-pink for a long time). I still have the car seat, 2bases, travel system, bassinet, several pack and plays, cosleeper, diaper pails, etc...

    So I guess all I really need is baby boy clothing and consumables...

    PCOS , incompetent cervix, gestational diabetes, IVF graduate, with one ovary!
    1 angel baby due to a 20 week M/C thanks to IC
    1 ovary due to a benign tumor that crushed my ovary
    About 6 years of pointlessly POAS
    Proud mommy of a 2.5 year old  girl
    Currently pregnant with baby #2 surprise BFP -  Team Blue until proven otherwise

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    We have all the major gear and baby will be sleeping in our room until we move to a bigger place, so no nursery stuff. So far, on my list I have:
    • extra Miracle Blanket (only had 1 with #1)
    • tubing and pump equipment
    • pacifiers
    • bottle nipples
    • breastfeeding supplies (cooling gel packs, lanolin, nursing pads)
    • burp rags
    • more cloth wipes
    • infant medicine

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    edited March 2014
    I'm getting a new stroller (I hate the one we have), maybe an ergo (since I will wear new baby and put Logan in the cart or stroller), a bed, car seat (ours expired), clothes if it's a girl (but it's probably a boy, so we're set).

    We really don't need much. I'm hoping to ask for the stroller for Logan's birthday if someone asks what he needs. It would make a good group gift for a couple people.

    ETA having babies close together is handy, I don't have to buy all the BF stuff and newborn randoms since we recently quit using them. Score! (They will be 18 months apart).

    And cloth diapering for the win! We don't need diapers or wipes either. Although I may buy some girly ones for fun if it's a girl. They have so many cute prints that I drool over!
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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    coffee beancoffee bean member
    edited March 2014
    doeie04 said:

    I'm getting a new stroller (I hate the one we have), maybe an ergo (since I will wear new baby and put Logan in the cart or stroller), a bed, car seat (ours expired), clothes if it's a girl (but it's probably a boy, so we're set).

    We really don't need much. I'm hoping to ask for the stroller for Logan's birthday if someone asks what he needs. It would make a good group gift for a couple people.

    ETA having babies close together is handy, I don't have to buy all the BF stuff and newborn randoms since we recently quit using them. Score! (They will be 18 months apart).

    And cloth diapering for the win! We don't need diapers or wipes either. Although I may buy some girly ones for fun if it's a girl. They have so many cute prints that I drool over!

    I'm kind of hoping my co-workers ask if they can buy a group present for us, because I would love to let them buy the car seat or a stroller! Lol. :)
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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    We are borrowing a lot of baby stuff from a friend (car seat, swing, exersaucer), so I don't think we have to buy anything for the baby besides a new baby book! DS will be the one getting all the new stuff since we're moving him out of the nursery. New furniture, bedding and décor.

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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    I know we need a stroller, second camera for the monitor/possibly new monitor since ours has a cracked screen, medicines, baby soap, baby laundry detergent, more burp clothes, and eventually a second convertible seat.

    Alot will also depend on if this LO is a boy or a girl. If another boy, we are pretty much set on clothes...although they may be a bit off season so we will see how it all works out.
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    This has been stressing me out. I was overly prepared with my girls. Now? Nothing.

    I mean, we need a crib since they're still in theirs. And I kinda want a video monitor that works for both bedrooms.

    Other than that? Nada.

    It does help that I had twins so I already have two carriers, bases, pack n plays, etc.

    And if it's a girl, I have enough clothing to clothe all of your girls.
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    Ballet513Ballet513 member
    edited March 2014
    My list:
    -Double stroller (mine will only be 16 months apart)
    -Crib and bedding
    -Miracle blanket (like pp we only had one)
    -White noise machine
    -Nipples for bottles (our old bottles are fine but the nipples should be replaced for a new LO)
    -BF supplies
    Mama to Sophie Virginia
    born 5/4/13 at 35 weeks 4 days

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    jmolrjmolr member
    I haven't even made a list yet but off the top of my head:

    -double stroller
    -crib sheets
    -crib liner
    -breast pump accessories
    -baby furniture

    and replacing things that broke the first time around.  Like a new play mat since my dogs ate all the toys off of it.
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    -New mattress
    -Mattress pads
    -A twin bed for DD
    -Extra carseat
    -Some more CDs
    -Replacement tubing for my pump
    -Rock N Play since they were just getting popular when my daughter was growing out of them
    -Extra monitor
    -Double stroller
    -Prefold cloth diaper rags for spit ups & clean ups

    Married August 9, 2008
    TTC Since September 2009

    1st   BFP | EDD 10/23/10 | Natural M/C 03/27/10 | 10w 0d
    2nd BFP 06/26/10 | EDD 02/25/11 | Natural  M/C 07/17/10 | 8w 1d
    3rd  BFP 12/17/10 | EDD 08/24/11 | Natural M/C 12/31/10 | 7w 4d
    4th  BFP 06/22/11 | EDD 02/25/12 | M/C D&C on 07/27/11 | 9w4d
    5th  BFP 09/17/11 | DD Paige Lily born 05/16/12
    6th  BFP 08/11/12 | EDD 04/11/13 | CP
    7th  BFP 09/29/13 | EDD 06/04/14 | Natural M/C 10/27/13 | 8w1d
    8th  BFP 12/16/13 | EDD 09/01/14

    DX: Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 8 & compound heterozygous for MTHFR mutations
    RX: Lovenox/Heparin & Folgard


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    • New swaddles (old ones are all stretched out)
    • new nipples for bottles
    • new pacifiers
    • new carseat
    • we are getting a new stroller because our old one is falling apart.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    oh yeah and new tubing/flanges/etc for the breast pump.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    jmolrjmolr member
    Check with your insurance company about breast pumps.  The laws changed since I got my first one (2 years ago) and I'm entitled to a brand spanking new one at no cost.
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    coffee beancoffee bean member
    edited March 2014
    So, is Ergo the best baby wrap / carrier?  We had a Bjorn and a Jeep one (both carrier style, not wraps), but I never used them with the girls at all.  I'm assuming wearing baby will be more important this time around.

    The idea of tying a wrap kind of freaks me out. :)
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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    I got mine after DD#2 and got new tubing after DD#3 (even though they're only 18 months apart) and will probably just get new tubing/flanges etc for this LO but it was free through my BCBS as well even though DD#2 wasn't born on that insurance... They want LO's BF apparently!!
    Me - J.R. - 05/1986
    DH - J.I. - 08/1986
    Married - 09/22/2006
    DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
    DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
    DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
      DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014

    Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!

    I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
  • Options Accepts insurance!
    Me - J.R. - 05/1986
    DH - J.I. - 08/1986
    Married - 09/22/2006
    DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
    DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
    DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
      DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014

    Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!

    I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
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    Ergo's aren't a bad carrier... much better than a bjorn for baby's hips!! But the Ergo doesn't 'fit' everyone. I'm short and it's very bulky on me!! I started with a cheap mai tei, and then got a moby, from there I ventured to ring slings and now LURVE wrapping LOL I have many carriers and am pretty addicted to them but I don't spend hundreds on each one (though if I had the money I would!!) Name brands are nicer on your shoulders but any carrier will help!!! My favorite with DD#3 is a Little Frogs Rubin size 7 but with DD#2 I preferred a RS. Let me know if I can help more... feel free to PM!!!
    Me - J.R. - 05/1986
    DH - J.I. - 08/1986
    Married - 09/22/2006
    DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
    DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
    DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
      DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014

    Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!

    I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
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    I just gave this list to a friend yesterday.
    Car seat
    Gas Drops
    Crib Sheets
    Diaper Rash Cream

    That's about it for awhile...
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    ashaw512 ashaw512 member
    edited March 2014
    jmolr said:

    Check with your insurance company about breast pumps.  The laws changed since I got my first one (2 years ago) and I'm entitled to a brand spanking new one at no cost.

    Sometimes the hospital gives you a breast pump. They gave me a medela hand pump and I actually liked it more than my electric Playtex pump. My insurance wouldn't pay for it. You might check with the hospital to.

    Edited for spelling
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    I'm getting all new bedding, a wrap (the bjorn hurt my back so bad I never used it), new bottle nipples, binkies, and then all the consumable/perishable stuff. Kind of boring this time around. By this point with DS I had practically memorized all the baby store websites... Sad I don't get to shop that much this time.
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

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    jmolrjmolr member
    So, is Ergo the best baby wrap / carrier?  We had a Bjorn and a Jeep one (both carrier style, not wraps), but I never used them with the girls at all.  I'm assuming wearing baby will be more important this time around.

    The idea of tying a wrap kind of freaks me out. :)
    I could never figure out the moby (wrap kind of carrier) but people that did master it loved it.  I'm going to use my ergo again with the infant insert.  I really liked it but I also haven't tried other carriers so I can only recommend the ergo.
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    jmolrjmolr member
    Check with your insurance company about breast pumps.  The laws changed since I got my first one (2 years ago) and I'm entitled to a brand spanking new one at no cost.
    Sometimes the hospital gives you a breast pump. They gave me a medela hand pump and I actually liked it more than my electric Playtex pump. My insurance wouldn't pay for it. You might check with the hospital to. Edited for spelling
    Have you tried contacting your insurance company this time around?  If you have a pump you like that's great but the Affordable Care Act went into effect I believe around the end of 2012 and most insurance companies will provide you with a free pump under that act.  There are some loopholes.  I know my friend's insurance company had a clause and it was grandfathered in that they didn't have to provide breast pumps.  It's worth a shot. 
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    jmolr said:
    So, is Ergo the best baby wrap / carrier?  We had a Bjorn and a Jeep one (both carrier style, not wraps), but I never used them with the girls at all.  I'm assuming wearing baby will be more important this time around.

    The idea of tying a wrap kind of freaks me out. :)
    I could never figure out the moby (wrap kind of carrier) but people that did master it loved it.  I'm going to use my ergo again with the infant insert.  I really liked it but I also haven't tried other carriers so I can only recommend the ergo.
    I have an Ergo and Beco Gemini carrier-I prefer the Beco carrier. This time I am going to try the Baby K'tan when the baby is younger and then switch to the Beco carrier. It worked with my son, but I want to try more of a wrap style this time. Although, I don't think I could ever figure out a Moby wrap!
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    jmolrjmolr member
    suitern said:
    I have an Ergo and Beco Gemini carrier-I prefer the Beco carrier. This time I am going to try the Baby K'tan when the baby is younger and then switch to the Beco carrier. It worked with my son, but I want to try more of a wrap style this time. Although, I don't think I could ever figure out a Moby wrap!
    What do you like better about the beco?  I looked it up and it looks a lot like the ergo, I'm curious what the difference is.
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    The ACA states that a breast pump must be covered, but it does not specify what kind. Some will only cover a single manual while others will cover a double electric. Mine also required a prescription, so I didn't get mine until I was at the hospital.

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    Check with your insurance company about breast pumps.  The laws changed since I got my first one (2 years ago) and I'm entitled to a brand spanking new one at no cost.
    Sometimes the hospital gives you a breast pump. They gave me a medela hand pump and I actually liked it more than my electric Playtex pump. My insurance wouldn't pay for it. You might check with the hospital to. Edited for spelling
    There is no way I could have used a hand pump with how much I pumped. I thought the electric Pump In Style was amazing!! 
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    StasiStasi member
    Starting a registry for #2 is fine, but also check Amazon. BBB has the BOB Duallie double running stroller (which I've been eying) for $200 MORE than Amazon...that's ridiculous. I'd rather just get it cheap from Amazon that go through the hassle of making a registry and pay too much!

                                       Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d


    Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w



    2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
    Little Sprout Blog

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    Bella2425 said:

    I'm getting all new bedding, a wrap (the bjorn hurt my back so bad I never used it), new bottle nipples, binkies, and then all the consumable/perishable stuff. Kind of boring this time around. By this point with DS I had practically memorized all the baby store websites... Sad I don't get to shop that much this time.

    Shop zulily!!! I love it. But if I bought everything I saw that was super cute I would be seriously broke. Hey have the best stuff but the sales only last for like 3 days I think and there's new stuff everyday. That's my go to shopping site for EVERYTHING!
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    @rlyttle I used the hand pump as a go to if I was in a hurry and I needed like 8 ounces fast.
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    So, is Ergo the best baby wrap / carrier?  We had a Bjorn and a Jeep one (both carrier style, not wraps), but I never used them with the girls at all.  I'm assuming wearing baby will be more important this time around.

    The idea of tying a wrap kind of freaks me out. :)
    We had a Bjorn for 4 months (hand me down) and I hated it - it killed my back. We have an Ergo now and I adored it. I was still wearing my 30 lb 2 year old comfortably hiking last summer. I didn't have a wrap with #1 but I'm going to try the Moby this time around since I'd love to be able to nurse while wearing the baby. I've heard that it's really not as hard as it looks. Look in your area for a baby boutique that will let you try different carriers. Our cloth diaper store even has baby wearing classes.

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    We plan on getting a new pump under insurance. A few bottles pacis
    Diapers wipes
    A new nose frida
    Still debating on a double stroller they will be 2.5 years apart
    If its a girl lots of girl clothes :)
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