High-Risk Pregnancy

*** Monday Bedrest Check-in ***

Good Monday morning. I hope you had a great weekend!!

How did you sleep?

Any new pregnancy symptoms, cravings, or aversions

Upcoming appointments, milestones, or updates? (Ticker change?)

QOTD: Tell us about your baby's movement? Do they move more in the morning or the evening? Do they get hiccups? What gets them going (voices, snacks, your movement etc)? Do they have a specific favorite position?
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Re: *** Monday Bedrest Check-in ***

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    I slept great last night, for once.  It may have been because I went to bed super late (stayed up watching the Oscars), but I don't think I woke up once until DD got up at 7.  It was great! 

    Nothing new here really.  I see my OB this afternoon for a biophysical profile.

    QOTD:  Baby moves a lot!  She is definitely most active in the late afternoon/evenings, so I've been scheduling my appointments for later in the day.  I had some ultrasounds first thing in the morning and it took awhile (and a lollipop!) to see good movement since she's a late sleeper, apparently.  I think I just felt hiccups for the first time last night.  She has been head down for awhile, with her feet under my ribs on the right side - that's where I feel the most movement. 


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    I slept from 4am-8am (sunday) then I tried to take my usual afternoon nap but my mom brought my niece to visit so I watched cartoons with her until she fell asleep but I still couldn't get comfortable so because I skipped my normal naptime I was exhausted at 9pm. I slept from 9pm-1am then woke up ate dinner and then fell asleep at 5:15ish. My sleep is all over the place!!! But I don't really have anything else to do so I guess it's not that big of a deal.

    Btw... heartburn/acid reflux sucks!!

    QOTD: this little girl moves so much!!! At the baby shower they could see her moving from across the room, she literally moves my whole tummy! She is almost always in the same position as what @MissChanandlerBong described... head down, feet in my ribs on the left side though. But in the late evening she likes to curl up into a little ball on my left side talk about uncomfortable. I haven't felt hiccups but I've felt what feels like her getting startled, like she'll kick both her feet and hands out at the same time and do a little shiver type movement. Ugh!!! And twice this weekend she went sideways... I think it's called transverse, where she's laying horizontally, that was pretty uncomfortable too. But I love to feel her move, it's fascinating... I could just stare at my tummy all day
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Hey Everyone! So I am kinda on bed rest kinda have to take it easy. I had to quite my Job because I lost too much weight so i do not do a whole lot. I get tired really easily.  


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    Hi all!
    Slept like crap due to tons of contractions. I think because my 17P was due this morning. I'm continuing to have a rough time today, hoping things chill out soon. Really not wanting to make an L&D trip either!

    Heartburn has kicked into high gear and my glucose spot checks seem to be running a little higher. Still not out of range, hoping the last few fastings were higher due to stress of having DH away this weekend. My BFF stayed with me but it wasn't the same of course. DS was all about meltdowns and defiance this weekend.

    I'm 32 weeks today which is exciting! NST Weds, appt Fri.

    QOTD: He's head down, usually back on my left, but sometimes flips his hips to the right. I'm feeling knees on my left side under my ribs and kicks in the middle. I get hiccups down low in my butt or vag and then little flutters just under my belly button (hands?). He's also making my belly move a lot. I rest my computer on it laying on my side and it bounces all over the place. He also gets really active during DH and DS's nightly tickle fights. I think he wants to join in!
    BFP#1 9/14/10 (EDD 5/21/11); no fetal pole 6w6d, 7w4d, d&c 10/8
    BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
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    Did not sleep well last night since I had to get up 3 times for the bathroom. I always have a bit of trouble getting comfortable and falling back to sleep. Guess this is what I get for not drinking my water until the evening.  I've done better drinking today so hopefully I'll do better tonight.

    No new cravings or aversions, except for the fact that I just haven't been hungry for the past couple of days. I'm just bored with anything I can make quick, and since I can't go out and get anything, I just don't really feel like eating much.  I need to do better though since I haven't put on much weight, although baby's measurements seem to be good so no one has said anything to me yet so I'm just hoping it doesn't catch up and become a problem.

    My sister (who lives in Vienna, Austria) had a box of cupcakes delivered to me today.  It's definitely taking some willpower not to eat them all. 

    I hit 29 weeks tomorrow. Yay!

    Qotd:  I have an anterior placenta so movement is probably not as strong as some peoples, and it seems pretty sporadic, but most days I am feeling movement. Most is pretty low which always worries me. He also seems to be pretty stubborn and sometimes even when I can feel him and then try to put my hand over the area, he stops kicking.  This means dh hasn't been able to feel him yet but hopefully soon.
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