Stay at Home Moms

I cried at a birthday party today

Went to a birthday party this afternoon for one of DD's little friends. A friend that I hadn't seen in months was there. She beelined for me and (thankfully whispered) "congratulations! I heard that you were pregnant and hadn't seen you to congratulate you". Cue me bawling in the middle of the bounce house place. She was horrified, I was mortified. It was awful. Oh, and this particular friend struggled with infertility, had a miscarriage herself and ended up adopting.  I have no idea who told her (okay, I might have an idea) or why they said that because very few people know about my losses this past year. And even fewer people knew about the Christmas one.  I think maybe her neighbor told her I was (because I saw her at my OB's office for one of my miscarriage appointments). Shows me even though our city has grown, it is still a small town. :(
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers m/c 01-07-10

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