Babies: 9 - 12 Months

12 Month LO meal plan

Hello ladies this is my first time posting here. I normally post on SAIF. My son turned 1 almost 2 weeks ago n is a very picky eater. He's drinking 3-4 bottles. Snacks as toast with jelly, puffs and yogurt n pouches at times. He also eats mashed black beans which he Luvs. He won't eat meat or finger food veggieS. How did u get your LO's to eat. Also can u please post your 1 yr old meal plan. I don't think LO is getting enough protein
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Re: 12 Month LO meal plan

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    Our LO is 9+mo old. We started feeding her food food when she was about 4.5mo. We fed her jarred Gerber stuff, Puffs, etc as well as "people food". She now hates anything on a spoon or pouch as she wants to feed herself ALL THE TIME. We still have no teeth but has pretty strong gums and mashes everyting. I now give her diced fruit, veggies (cooked), yogurt, etc. She likes a variety on her tray and will always eat the largest stuff first and work her way down.

    Have you tried the mesh feeder thing and put foods in it? I've heard from mommy friends that that has helped.

    I'd be interested to see a 1 yr old eating plan too!

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    I don't have a plan per say but I always try to serve meals with fruit or veggies. I also try to get meat in once per day at least.  Although I serve 3 meals per day she does not eat too much and BM is still her main source of nutrition right now.
    Breakfast is usually fruit with eggs, cheerios, toast, pancake, french toast, or bagel.
    Dinner and Lunch are usually fruit and or steamed veggies with diced chicken, ground beef, organic nitrate free ham, or pork.  I also if we are having rice or noodles give her a little with out dairy.

    Because I serve DD#1 3 meals and 2 snacks DD#2 (who will be one this week) wants to eat at the same times too.  For snacks I usually give diced fruit in a cup, mum mums, organic whole wheat apple cookie, puffs, cheerios, apple on a fork etc.

    We had a reaction to yogurt at 8 months so  we are holding off on Dairy for now.

    DD#1 was anemic at her one year appointment so I make it a big deal to get good sources of iron in every day for DD#2.

    Her favorite food right now is blueberries...she always clears the tray
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    It's a tough balance.  The bottles are likely filling him up enough he doesn't NEED to eat as he's not hungry.  But, if he's picky and not eating much then the bottles are important.

    I'd make sure you offer meals before bottles and space the bottles out enough that there are long periods between where he will feel hungry and eat meals.

    We did BLW weaning and from 6months on our daughter ate what ever we ate so she was exposed to everything...she likes everything.  She's never had bland food as we don't eat bland food.  She ate the spicy food, and all the other herbs and spices we ate.

    She gets royally pissed if I try to give her a baby cookie or baby puffs or anything quick and easy because they are just boring.  She wants the good stuff.

    All you can do at this point is expose him to food as much as possible.  If he hates it, keep serving it.  He will eventually accept it.  It can take 15,20,40 times serving the same food before a kid may accept it.  You need to serve it.

    If he hates meat I would suggest not serving the disgusting baby meats.  Have you tried it...blahhhhh.  Try some of your meat.  Change it up...if he's still on purees try bigger pieces see if he takes it.

    My daughter LOVES her meats but she also gets a good amount of protein from avocado, guacamole, hummus, beans of all sorts.  Hummus is great as it sogs up crackers making them easier to eat. 

    Try pasta (get a shape that works bet for your child, tubes or macaroni what ever he can handle).  Make sauce with veggies, ground beef whatever you want to put in it.  Hide the veggies in recipes.

    Some kids will eat food if you serve the food than toss a handful of puffs or cheerios on top.  They reach for the cheerios but get some other food mixed in. 

    Try something more exciting and see what he does.  My daughter is addicted to Taboule right now, that and bruschetta. 


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