August 2013 Moms

BLW Check In

It's Friday and hopefully we have some good recipes and stories to share!

I have a quesiton for those who have been doing it for a while.  How long did it take your LO to really show an interest.  DS has great coordination and can put food in his mouth right away.  However as far as eating it, well he shows little interest.  He acts so disgusted that it is quite hilarious but I just wonder if he is ever going to catch on.  I am trying to be laid back and remind myself food is just for fun, but I figured he would be eating way more than he is right now.  Any advice or pointers?

QOTW: I get this asked a lot so I want to see what everyone else says,  Why did you choose baby led weaning?

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Re: BLW Check In

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    We haven't really done any recipes as this is only our second week in. But we have introduced avocado, green peppers, carrots, banana, apple and broccoli.

    I know exactly what you mean about not really eating the food. LO will bite some off if she can and then promptly makes a yucky face before spitting it out. Part of me thinks she wasn't ready yet, even though she was grabbing for our food.

    QOTW: I don't know if there was a specific reason why I chose BLW. As with most things, I looked into it, it made sense to me and I went with the mommy instinct (which seems to know what it's doing most of the time).

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    We did sweet potato fries (just cut into fry shape with a dash of olive oil, baked. She loved them! I also mashed of peas a bit so she could grab them easier with her hands- she loved them. We also did baby yogurt with a loaded spoon. This was the first food item she squealed for :)

    From what I read, food is really just for play in the first year. Babies touch to feel texture, taste, etc...but ingestion and eating for hunger take time. Some people say around 9-12 months they notice a difference in poops; meaning they baby starts eating more. 

    We did BLW because it seemed just so natural to us. I'm also hoping it helps alleviate a picky eater...
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    edited February 2014
    Sorry to thread jack but I have a question for you ladies :) 

    When did your LO's develop the pincer grasp? 

    J is NO where near mastering it. I still put some things down for him to play with and he's definitely learning, but he's also one of the youngest in the bunch. Still not yet 6 months. We're doing some purees too, but I'd love to incorporate more BLW approaches to food. He does great with a loaded spoon so we do that more often than not, but I'd still like to get him into more finger foods. I'm definitely not rushing him by any means, he'll get there when he gets there, but I was just curious if you ladies noticed when it developed for your LOs. 

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    @TrueBeliever925 I think we really noticed at about 5 months that he could pretty much pick up anything and everything he wanted.  In the jumparoo he will flick anything that spins with his thumb.  It is almost crazy how good he is with his fine motor skills at this age. Definitely gets that from Daddy.   That being said, I know this is not the norm.  Most babies take a lot longer and that is why they say to cut the foods in the shape of a fry so it is easier to pick things up.  I would not worry too much about it.  Try putting some food out there.  The only way they can master any skill is by practice, so I doubt it would hurt you to offer a few real foods.  When he starts to get frustrated, move on or help him out. You know you want to come to the dark side!!

    I will allow this thread jacking just because I like you.

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    Awww shucks, thanks @KQunonez! :) Yeah, I know it's going to take time. He definitely picks things up, but it gets lost in the shuffle (his fist, really). He puts it "in" his mouth and is done and moves on. Haha. I figure I'll just keep at him and let him play :) Doesn't hurt anything. It's definitely more exciting to me to see him figure things out with a BLW style vs feeding him with a spoon. And again.. he's awesome with a loaded spoon already so we'll get there. :) Thanks again! 

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    We tried the sweet potato fries this week (only 2 weeks in). He was making faces and I thought he just didn't like it but I eventually figured out he had a small piece stuck in the back of his throat. I flipped him on his stomach across my knees and it fell out after hitting his back. I think it was a bit stringy even though I cut the skin off. (Maybe I need a fresher potato).

    He doesn't have a Pincher grasp. He picks it up with a fist and tries to hit his mouth. Except with avacado, he smashed that and smeared it all over his face.......
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    The stomach bug went through our house in the past week so DD2 hasn't had much of anything new. (We don't sit and eat solids, she doesn't sit and eat solids.) 

    New this week: steamed carrots, baked sweet potato fries, celery, a hunk of multi grain waffle, hummus. 

    She liked the hummus and waffle. The others, as with most foods, she enjoys until some actually breaks off into her mouth. Once that happens she flips out and gags until she spits it out. She'll get there when she's ready. 

    QOTD: It just made the most sense to me. I believe that babies and young children should be in control of their own major life milestones. See also: why I don't force potty training, weaning or STTN. 
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    LO had red bell pepper this week in addition to what he's already trying. We've been lucky that so far he seems to like everything.

    QOTW: Honestly we are doing a mix of purées and BLW because it's what works for us. This way he is trying different foods and textures, learning to eat on his own but also being willing to eat spoon fed foods. On the purées I feed him some but also we do spoon loading and let him go at it. We try to do a mix each time but sometimes it's one or the other. A typical dinner may be steamed broccoli (he gnaws on it) followed by some puréed pears with a sippy cup that he loves to play with more than anything.
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    Not much new here. We tried avocado more yesterday. I don't think the faces necessarily mean they don't like the food or aren't ready. Think about everything is just a huge change taste and trexture wise from breast milk or formula. LO makes faces but continues to put the food back in his mouth. It's actually funny he sometimes makes faces prematurely before the food even touched him.

    So I'm having trouble on breakfast foods. I'm still going a little slow with introducing a bunch of goods since LO has sensitivities to my BM (mostly dairy) so I haven't done any fruits yet. Besides fruit what do you guys do for breakfast if you do breakfast?

    I found a "recipe" of oats and breast milk in the bottom of a bowl and then microwave it and it makes like a little cake but it didn't really setup right, but maybe someone else can try it and have success.

    QOTD: we chose it because it seems so much more natural, and we could tell with LOs personality there was no way he'd just sit and let us spoon feed him. And I like all the reasonings given in the book when I read it. Giving them control of what and how much they eat, helping with pickiness, and the learning to chew before swallow instead if the other way around with purées. Although spoon feeding has worked great for other this is just what we felt was best for us
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    natskonatsko member
    edited February 2014

    we've tried different types of squash, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, yams, pears, and brussel sprouts and they were all a hit, string beans wee a miss and avacados didnt go well i think i just kept sliding out of his hands an he got fustrated, no recipies that ive tried bit i want to try banana pancakes tomorrow

    i did blw because it seemed easier than pureeing foods and it seemed more natural to have him eat the same stuff we are eating, i love that he eats when we eat, he has so much fun and we don’t have to take turns eating while the other takes care of LO, we all just eat together.

    i really love seeing how LO figured it out, i don’t love the new diaper smell and consistency but i guess that comes with solids of any kind


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    @emeraldeyed315 how long do you bake/temp? @kkay1982 did you LOs mouth get kinda frothy from the pepper?

    We did potatoes, asparagus, toast, broccoli (of course), chicken, peppers, oh boy.. I can't even remember!

    LO has been doing great with all foods.. He's a garbage disposal.

    One note.. We did chicken last night and when we were done, I took him to change his diaper and noticed he had chicken stuck on the roof of his mouth. So it's probably common sense, but make sure they swallow or clear out whatever's in there so they don't choke!
    Mason Lee 
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    This week we have done cauliflower, whole wheat pita, cucumber, hummus, baked apple, and bell pepper. The cauliflower and cucumber got tossed on the floor, the the hummus made him cry, the pita he played with and smashed before tossing on the floor, the apple and bell pepper (green) he tasted and seemed to kind of like.

    As for the pincer grasp he developed it around 5.5 months.

    We chose BLW because I liked the idea of letting him make the choice to eat and how much. I figure my job is to provide him with healthy food and his job is to control his own intake. Since I let him decide when and how much milk feeds he gets it just made sense to me to continue that.
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