February 2014 Moms

At ER with baby - update

sdlaurasdlaura member
edited February 2014 in February 2014 Moms
Update - they kept us overnight (also standard procedure at this age) so we are still here. LO's fever is gone but they will administer antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours while waiting for results of the spinal tap bacterial culture.

The doctors agree that the fever was likely from the cold that DS caught from DD, but they explained that in 0.5% of newborn fevers, the cause is a bacterial infection like meningitis. Because infants younger than 6-8 weeks don't have a fully developed blood/brain barrier, a bacterial infection could cause brain damage. So they have to treat all newborn fevers as if they could be the result of a bacterial infection.

This experience has not been any fun, but I'm glad they haven't found anything serious and I understand why they have to take these precautions. It has been a lot harder to keep DS healthy with a toddler at home. Thanks for all of your support!

Original post - DS had a mild fever this morning (100.4 rectal) so we went to the pediatrician and given his age (4 weeks) we were sent to the children's hospital ER. A newborn fever gets a full work up including spinal tap. I'm sure that my toddler gave him something. It is so hard to watch him be poked and prodded but I guess this is preparing us for his heart surgery in a few months.
BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

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