Toddlers: 24 Months+

Pooping in the Potty

My 34 month old son seems to have figured out peeing in the potty, but cannot seem to figure out pooping.  If we smell a toot we put him on the potty and ask him to try and to push, but he crys and trys to get off.  Usually he pees then says I did it.  Then a few minutes later he poops in his pants.  Sometimes he will say afterwards he needs to poop, sometimes he will just continue playing.  We have tried rewarding with mms for pooping in the potty but they he wants them for pooping in his pants.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks.
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Re: Pooping in the Potty

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    It doesn't sound like he's fully ready to poop train.  I would back off for a bit and then revisit the idea in a month or two.  Don't turn it into a battle or something that will scare or upset him.  Remember that boys tend to potty train later than girls and 3 is the average age but it could be later.  I know it's frustrating (my oldest didn't potty train until 3y 3m but once he was ready, it was like a flipped switched overnight and he was completely potty trained in a day) but it is one of the few things that they have control can't force them to sleep, eat or use the bathroom.  
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    Mine is doing this exactly.  He makes it to the toilet for a pee about 75% of the time, but wont poo on the potty for anything.  I'm not concerned.  I guess he'll poop when he's ready.  He'll be three in April...
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    Maybe a special poopy prize? Special reward you can tell him about as something positive but don't push him. We are still working on getting ours to be interested and he is almost 3! He has gone here and there but he is always one who does everything in his own time
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    I used to nanny a little boy with this same thing going on.  It is hilarious but eventually we found out that he was afraid of the "plop".  Apparently he had been splashed a little the first time he went poop in the potty, which as we all know (don't deny it) is not pleasant.  After that he refused.
    SOOOO  What the mom did for a while was have him with out diapers all day, then put him in a diaper after dinner, when he would promptly find a corner and poop in the diaper.  After two weeks or so, she stopped putting the diaper on, hoping that his body was on enough of a schedule that he would just do it.  But he wouldn't.  So this kid went another 10 days (seriously) with out pooping.  I was over on the 11th night.  And he would go nutso after dinner.  I mean, he had to poop, it was painful not to, but he just wouldn't relax.  He was crying for his mom, asking when she was going to come home, and I told him she would come home when he went poop on the potty.  So he hopped right up there, squeezed out a fatty, looked at his brother and said,"no plop this time!"  and after that he was good to go.  I called the parents who were so thrilled they didn't mid stopping by the house on their way from dinner to movie to do a poop dance with him.  I'm not really suggesting this, just sharing because eventually, something you do will work for your kid.  Good luck!


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    What we did was took away a privilege (which was play monster trucks on the xbox) and when he went poop on the potty he got to play for that day. It took about a week for him to understand and now he poops on the potty with no accident for about 4 days now. 

    Now we kind of got a small problem. He thinks that he has to poop on the potty to play monster trucks every time now. So we have been up to two to three poops a day..cou
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    My son was the same way. He was very particular (and still is, really) about his pooping habits. I stopped with pulling out all the stops, bells and whistles to convince him to poop in the potty. 

    What he didn't like, however, was that when he pooped, he needed me to wipe his butt. He didn't like that the wipes were cold or that I would sometimes have to wipe harder than normal because it would be thick and all over his butt. I would tell him that if he would go poop in the potty, I wouldn't have to wipe him.

    Then one day, he just started doing it on his own.

    Also what helped us is that we talked about "needing privacy" because it seemed that that was a big issue for him when he was pooping. He has always been that way from diaper days to 1/2 potty training and even now. I allowed him to shut the door, but not lock it and I stood outside.

    Altogether, it took until he was over 3 1/2 to finally fully go in the potty.
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