
Holy weight gain!

I just had my 20 week appointment and I've gained 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks!! That was such a huge shock I almost cried.

I've gained 16 pounds total and my OB had no concerns at all. I'm grateful that my babies and I are healthy and strong. This is more of a vent and I'm hoping others can commiserate. :(

Baby Boy #1 born 1/15/2010

Babies #2 & #3 arriving Spring 2014 (EDD June 18)

Re: Holy weight gain!

  • LittleLady77LittleLady77 member
    edited February 2014
    I had a huge weight gain at the 20 week mark too.  My doctor had "the talk" with me about weight and it was really difficult to hear.  I'm normally pretty small but I have to work really hard at it (working out daily, running marathons etc.) The weight gain has been so much harder than I thought it would be mentally.

    I tend not to use numbers because I don't really think it's healthy for ladies with different bodies/situations to compare with each other but my doc told me I should gain a certain amount this entire pregnancy and I just hit that amount at 30 weeks. Bring on the cake.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I've gained 14lbs in the last month... The dr just said she wants to keep her eye on it and wait for the results of my glucose test.... I'm 26 weeks and have already gained 40lbs.... Since I was plus size and always on a diet before getting pregnant it's been really hard for me to watch myself gain all this weight. Unfortunately there isn't really much we can do except try and eat as healthy as possible (easier said then done) I wish I had only gained 16lbs by my 20th week! If your dr isn't concerned then you shouldn't be!!
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  • LittleLady, I agree, it depends so much on body type and personal situation. Numbers mean different things to different people.

    I didn't start really gaining weight with my singleton until much later on, so this was a shock. Combined with this being my 2nd pregnancy and twins, it's bound to be a different experience. I'm bracing myself!

    I actually asked my OB to give me a general number for weight gain and he wouldn't.

    Baby Boy #1 born 1/15/2010

    Babies #2 & #3 arriving Spring 2014 (EDD June 18)

  • Around week 20 I had started my weight gain as well!  I am at 28w4d and have gained 30-31 lbs.  My OB is happy with it and I am happy with it too.  It stressed me out when I wasn't gaining any with twins because I knew I should have been.  I probably gain 1.5 lbs a week now....
    image    image    image    image

  • I wouldn't worry about it too much. With twibs, early weight gain is good. Your body is doing a lot more work right now than a singleton pregnancy. Also by 3rd tri, you will be so big, it may be hard to eat enough to fulfill your caloric needs, so your gain might slow or stop and it's good to have some caloric reserves.

    I gained 25 lbs by week 20 and 50 lbs by about week 30ish. I didn't gain any more weight the last 6 or 7 weeks and carried until 38 1/2 weeks. I was so huge and my stomach was so compressed, I got full after about 2 bites and actually lost a couple lbs before I went in. My girls were a healthy 5.5 and 6 lbs.

    I know it seems like a lot of weight but I lost over half of ot before I even left the hospital and the rest came off pretty quickly.


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  • It varies so much. Between 14-18 weeks I gained 15 pounds. I cried at my OB appointment was devastated - since I had only gained 5 the first 14 weeks. In the last 11 weeks I've gained 3 pounds. I had a similar period with my daughter where I gained a ton in a quick stretch. I'm actually on track comparing weight gain for my DD and the twins to gain less than I did with my singleton DD. Hang in there. Stay healthy - there are some things we can't control. If you're eating healthy, being active as you're allowed and comfortable (which for me is very short walks a few times/week) with an occasional splurge, you'll be fine. 
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  • So far, my experience has been about the same as @ballygirl. I hit 30w today, and I feel like my body is at capacity.

    After working my butt off (literally) and losing about 90 lbs. between my high school graduation and my wedding, watching the numbers go up so quickly has been a bit devastating. But I've lost the weight before, so I hope I'll be able to do it again.
  • I had a big weight gain right around then too. I gained about 5 lbs all through first tri and a 10+lb weight gain around 16w or so.

    Except the nurse who weighed me was an asshole and said "whoa! What have you been doing this month!" And if I had been just a bit quicker, I would have said "baking two babies, bitch" but instead I just nervous-laughed.

    I love my OB, but she wasn't realistic on the expected weight gain. She said 25-35lbs even though I started out not overweight. I ended up gaining 60lbs in 34w.

    All but 5lbs were gone by 3mo pp. The only reason the last 5lbs is hanging around is bc I'm a hungry hungry hippo when BFing and I don't care enough to make good food choices right now. That and it's been frigid and my desire to run in single digit temps isn't really there.

  • I had a big weight gain right around then too. I gained about 5 lbs all through first tri and a 10+lb weight gain around 16w or so. Except the nurse who weighed me was an asshole and said "whoa! What have you been doing this month!" And if I had been just a bit quicker, I would have said "baking two babies, bitch" but instead I just nervous-laughed. I love my OB, but she wasn't realistic on the expected weight gain. She said 25-35lbs even though I started out not overweight. I ended up gaining 60lbs in 34w. All but 5lbs were gone by 3mo pp. The only reason the last 5lbs is hanging around is bc I'm a hungry hungry hippo when BFing and I don't care enough to make good food choices right now. That and it's been frigid and my desire to run in single digit temps isn't really there.
    You so should have said that.....would have been awesome!

    OP, it sounds like you're right on track. I gained 50 lbs in 35 babies were almost 12 lbs put together, and when they were born at such good weights I was proud of every pound. I understand hating to see the numbers creep (or jump) up, but, really, what matters most is the health of your babies. You're three people right now, so numbers shouldn't matter. Let your OB tell you if your weight is a concern, but in the meantime, just focus on health and let your body do its thing.
  • I am +14 total now.  just had my  23 week appointment.  I had been going up 2 pounds at each appointment so this last one was a huge surprise when I went up 6 pounds.  But, I have been so hungry, and my belly has grown so much.  The girls are little movers and shakers and everything looked normal.  So, I am not stressing about it.  Can someone pass the shamrock shake please?  :) 


  • I'm 20+5 and I've gained 20 so far. I'm not even sure where it all IS. I have a very obvious bump, and my boobs are a lot bigger (from C to easily DD) but everything else looks the same. I don't even know how I've gained that much since I was sick for 16 weeks and couldn't keep anything down, and now I can't eat more than a cup of food or so at a time.
  • At my 20 week appointment I was back up to my pre-pregnancy weight because I had lost about 15 pounds from morning sickness and I know at my next appointment it is going to be much higher haha! My appetite has been out of control lately, my next appointment was supposed to be this week but cancelled because of the winter storm so now I have to wait.

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  • I've gained about 13 lbs at 20.5 weeks and I'm thrilled! I lost weight in first tri and was really worried, but babies are growing good at 12/13 ounces.

    If your doc isn't worried, I wouldn't be worried. Plus, 2nd tri is the time to put on the weight for multiples!

  • It's nice to hear everyone's stories and see that every pregnancy really is different. One of my friends just gave birth to her twins and she didn't start showing or gaining much weight until much later in her pregnancy. I'm at 16 weeks with twins (first pregnancy) and I started showing at 13 weeks. I feel like I look really, really pregnant right now. It is kind of freaking me out how much bigger I am than she was at this stage. I've only gained 9 pounds, which seems normal, but it looks like much more than that.


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  • I wouldn't worry about it too much.  As long as you are being healthy don't stress.  I gained 40 lbs the first 27w, but now my weight gaining has slowed down.  Between 27 and 30w I only gained 3 lbs and the babies each gained a pound.  You don't need another thing to stress over and worry about.  Give yourself a break!

  • I gained almost 70 lbs by the end of my pregnancy (35 weeks).  I started at 134 and was 202 the last time I weighed myself.  I was trying to eat 70+ grams of protein a day, per my MFM, and I was just eating a ton of food.  Also, since I had mo/di twins I was a little worried about TTTS and issues with only having one placenta, so I really was trying to fatten them (and myself) up.  It is scary to gain so much weight, but your babies need it right now and you will lose it eventually (my twins are 9 months now and I weigh around 140).  Try not to focus on it if you can!

    Mom to 3 wonderful girls:
    Eva, born on 1/2/11
    Celia and Lily, born on 5/17/13
  • I got up to 60lbs and 37 weeks. My girls were great weights when born. Now I'm 8 months pp, and I've lost everything and plus some. Totally worth the weight gain!
  • I like your post @ceechie ! I am up over 55lbs gained at 32 weeks....BUT my little guys are measuring in the 97th percentile. I feel sure it will come off once they are gone, and I also feel like there is a LOT of weight being carried in my swollen legs. I don't let myself step on the scale at all unless I'm at the doctor's. I ask if my gain is ok, and they continue to say yes. I trust them to tell me if something is off.

    I do think it is incredible how different everyone is! 
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